Join by entering a contest a month for 12 months--Win Badges! Catching up is allowed! |
DANG IT! I've lost track of whether I gave you credit for this one or not! I got sidetracked by an IM. Well, if I have you listed as doing 9, I'll assume you really did 10. If I have you listed as doing 13, I'll assume you really did 14. As for a replacement contest, I didn't see this in time. I'm SO SORRY! It's not your fault I was drowning in school, so I'll still allow you to finish another contest and use it as your replacement for Writing 4 Kids, though I generally don't allow more than 1 entry to be counted for June and November rounds once they are over. No MBs can be earned for those rounds once they are over. But it's not your fault. Choose whatever you want, even a contest you already entered in June since it's no longer June. That's super awesome of you to help Cubby judge and I'm sure she's so happy you did. Pick what you want, but remind me when you post that I said it was a replacement for your June round since you were judging Writing 4 Kids and I'm allowing you to post late because I wasn't keeping up with the forum and didn't see your requiest in time. I can't be trusted to remember all that, so remind me. And be sure to check out my challenge
and my contest