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Could we please have the WdC word counter available to use for judges (or anyone else wondering about the word count of someone's item)? If we use an online word counter, there's discrepancies with things like bye-bye, well--I don't know, and uhh...I guess so. So, if we could all use the same WdC word counter that the writer uses, we are all on the same page with the word counts for judging, etc. I'm thinking of just adding it to the Writing.Com Tools link so that we can paste anything we want into it and get the same word count that the writer did. I suggest this after finding someone said their item was 1000 words when 3 different counters said it was well over 1100. Sure, they just lied. (They were busy plagiarizing as well. ) But if something says it's 1003 words, that could easily be the difference between word counters counting hyphenated words, dashes between words, etc. But what if it says it's 1010 or 1015 words? Are they wrong about their word count or is it the difference in counters? Being able to all use the same WdC word counter would make sure no one's item is dropped from a contest erroneously. And be sure to check out my challenge
and my contest