The newest and exciting fundraising game with lots of amazing prizes! |
1, 279, 750.00 TOTAL PROCEEDS [including sales, sponsorship and donations] (749, 631.00) AWARDS GIVEN OUT (110, 000.00) GPs RESERVED FOR AWARDS NOT GIVEN OUT YET 420, 119.00 AMOUNT TO BE DISPERSED TO BENEFICIARIES 420, 119.00 x 90% 378, 107.00 TO BE SHARED TO 8 GROUPS / 7 54, 015.00 FOR EACH GROUP 54, 015.00 [#398524] "RAOK Upgrade Brigade Group" 54, 015.00 [#1300305] "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group" 54, 015.00 [#1797031] "Contest Central Station" 54, 015.00 [#1949660] "The Newbies Academy Group" 54, 015.00 [#2073942] "TLC Prayer Parlor" 54, 015.00 [#1474311] "October Novel Prep Challenge" 54, 015.00 [#2165720] "Habit Heroes " 420,119.00 x 10% 42, 012.00 For Me Note: My apologies for losing track on the number of hammers sold. In this connection, I decided to split the 90% remaining proceeds equally to 8 group beneficiaries. GERVIC I am an author @! http://www.Writing.Com/main/my_account.php?rfrid=gervic Proud member of "RAOK Upgrade Brigade Group" "Invalid Item" "Contest Central Station" "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group" "SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP" |