A warm welcome to our newbies; come meet new and not-so-new members of Writing.Com! |
I'm not a newbie writer, though I suppose in a way I am. I began writing over twenty years ago, though I did it for an email group, Transformation Story Archive. From there, I just wrote whenever I felt like it, really. What got me deep into writing though, was another website I was on had a weekly writer's prompt. I began writing with that, starting with a story here and there, then ending up with a story just about every week. I grew addicted to it. When I left my last position, I figured I could give this writing thing a real go, so I determined that I would write just about every day (I try to take Sundays off. My brain don't let me do that too often.) I've never been published anywhere except one fanzine, though one day I hope to be published regularly. So, here I am. I just kind of found this place when looking for other places for writers that wasn't necessarily genre specific. I hope to get better in my writing, and be published one day. What I'd really like to see is my name on the New York Times best seller's list. Thanks for having me, and thank you to whoever keeps up this site. |