Join by entering a contest a month for 12 months--Win Badges! Catching up is allowed! |
Awesome! It's great to see you here! YAY!!! A couple of notes about your post...I need the month you planned this to be for. I see it's 2017, but when? Also, thanks for posting the item, but I don't actually need that. It only proves you wrote something, but it doesn't prove you entered it in a contest. I need the link to the contest post. You do that with {post:XXXXXXXX} and there is an example just above the forum, if you forget. That format shows you posted in their forum and I can click to go to your post there to see your entry if I decide I want to read it or whatever. No worries. People usually post a bit incorrectly to begin with. Also, be sure you are using the Previously Highlighted Contest dropnotes to find the contests for each month and year when you are catching up. I just discovered someone was randomly doing contests. I didn't give them credit for the months and years they were expecting, but I found months and years they will work for and they got credit for them, so no effort lost. I'm also giving you credit for this soon as you tell me what month it's supposed to be for in 2017. I do try my best to always give credit when possible, even when things are posted incorrectly. I had one person who posted wrong every single month for the entire year, but she got credit and I reexplained it every month. In the end, she got her celebration without a single correctly posted entry. Well, it's challenge enough to do the entries. I don't want posting to be stressful. Definitely let me know if you have any questions. Oh, and tell me what month this entry is for. lol I'm excited for you to be here! WELCOME AND GOOD LUCK!!! And be sure to check out my challenge
and my contest