Join by entering a contest a month for 12 months--Win Badges! Catching up is allowed! |
You might be missing the rule about you have to find the contests from the Previously Highlighted Contests dropnotes and they have to correspond with the month and year you are taking credit for. I am glad you did this contest, though. It turns out I've never actually highlighted this contest. I was just going to give you credit for whichever month I had highlighted it in and discovered I never had. So, I wrote the owner to ask if I could highlight it in April. THANK YOU! In the meantime, I searched the contests/months and discovered that there is nothing open from July 2018, so I'm letting you use this contest for that month and year. I normally supply contests when nothing else is open, so you just saved me the trouble for this one. Also, when posting the title of the forum post, be sure to include the year you want credit for so we are on the same page with that. You're really rolling along! I'm very impressed...and a bit embarrassed by my own performance. I CAN DO THIS!!! I've GOT to judge "The Whatever Contest -- Closed for Now" this weekend because I've gotten way too many questions about who won and such. But then I'll work on this...and maybe some school work as well. Keep up the great work! You got this! And be sure to check out my challenge
and my contest