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July 2017: "WEIRD TALES CONTEST " : "Invalid Post" August 2017: "Keenest Joker" : "Jenny can tell" September 2017: "Stormy's poetry newsletter & contest" : "A journey- November entry" October 2017: "Paranormal Romance Contest" : "Invalid Post" November 2017:"The Humorous Poetry Contest" : "November entry" December 2017: "Invalid Item" : "Prompt 4 entry" Hey Schnujo's Giving Away GPs! I finished 2017! 😊 January 2018: ""Like a Song" Poetry Contest" :"November entry" February 2018: "The Taboo Words Contest ~ On Hiatus" |"November entry" March 2018: "The Dialogue 500" "Entry" April2018: "Poetic Traditions Poetry Contest " "entry for november" May 2018: "WEIRD TALES CONTEST " : "Invalid Post" June 2018:"Invalid Item" :"December entry" July 2018: senior citizen forum: "Jan entry" Aug18:taboo words contest "January entry" Sept18: "Spet 2018 Second time around entry" Oct18:"Paranormal Romance Contest" : "Invalid Post" Nov18: poetic traditions poetry contest entry "Entry" Dec18:"The Prompt Me Contest" : "Angel" 2018 completely completed!! Jan 19: lighthouse poetry contest : "January entry" feb 19: Verdant poetry contest:"Winter entry" mar 19:taboo words contest"Entry" apr19:"The Bard's Hall Contest" "Entry" may19:"Poetic Traditions Poetry Contest " "entry!" june19:"Keenest Joker" "joke" ju;y19:"HONORING OUR VETERANS " "Entry" aug19:"Invalid Item" "January entry" sept19:"Stormy's poetry newsletter & contest" "January entry 2021" oct19: "Invalid Item" "December entry" November 2019 onwards has already been recorded by you on the main page of the chellenge.... All done Schnujo's Giving Away GPs ! Finally! Thank you so much for helping me and continually motivating and pushing me! And of course, for organizing this wonderful chellenge! You're the best! Check out these fundraisers:
Keep writing! |