The edits are so small that they are not really worth logging. They don't change the story in any way.
Regarding removals:
Into the Life of Sean Mitchell"

: That was a bud I snipped off because (a) the evolution felt too fast and (b) nothing had been or was likely to be done with it anyway.
The Copycat"

: Like the above, it was a bud that could be pruned without affecting anything. Also, I think that any story that follows that choice should handle the crisis better.
Hijacking Gillian"

: It lost the plot (how is Will going to fix his dad using Braydon?) with silly Gillian hijinks.
The Mystery Box"

Plot twist that never got picked up, and would be too hard to handle if it was.
Remove the disguise"

: Massively out of character, violently out of continuity with the rules, and completely out of focus for what BoM is typically like.
In Which Life Grinds On"

: Lost the plot when the focus turned to Will's partnership with Stephanie. This is a branch that I am currently rewriting; if I can get it to a stopping point I will likely start publishing it early next week.
There are also some chapters now in NC-BoM that are still in BoM itself, specifically, "
The Webb of Friendship"

and following. I am undecided about the status of those chapters. It would be a very difficult plot to write, and it lost the plot in body-hijacking details. But I haven't decided yet whether to get rid of it or to leave it place.