Join by entering a contest a month for 12 months--Win Badges! Catching up is allowed! |
Jody gets nothing except the headache of trying to make sure she sends out the exclusive MBs and does a Newsfeed celebration for everyone--not too often to annoy folks, but not so seldom participants get disappointed they had to wait too long. She also gets to lose GPs on the celebrations. She's a glutton for punishment and really annoys me sometimes. And just so you know, when you do the whole challenge since February 2017, you don't exactly get a T-shirt. You get to spend 150k in the shop on whatever you want (most folks picked a T-shirt, but some picked mugs or a notebook or other stuff) AND I pay for all shipping costs, even if you are overseas. AND, if you want something that costs MORE than 150k (or you just want to add to your order), you give the extra GPs and I cover all the shipping anyway. That goes along with all the extra stuff you get for the celebration--it varies each year, but usually lots of MBs, some cNotes and raffle tickets, GPs (last year was 333,333 for doing 3 years of the challenge, but again, each year is different and I make no promises about what this January will hold), and reviews and other assorted stuff. Last year I let every winner include every contest they had in "The Contest Challenge" , but I won't do that again because most of them had a ton of contests and they took up almost the whole year so there wasn't room for other people. And I have something special planned for the 5th year (this January is the 4th year)...expensive, but exciting! Doing a whole year of "The Contest Challenge" isn't easy and doing every month since the beginning is even harder, so I definitely try to make it worth people's while. And be sure to check out my challenge
and my contest