Join by entering a contest a month for 12 months--Win Badges! Catching up is allowed! |
Just November and December left and you're done! WOOHOO!!! Conveniently for you, I'd accidentally closed the browser and I'd had the celebration all pre-written and ready to be advertised. So, that bought you more time. lol VERY inconveniently for me, I did the above and now have to go through my entire list of winners nearly 65 people (I REALLY should not have counted ) and count now many sets of MBs they have. I give 2 exclusive MBs, so if they have both, they probably got their celebration. If they got the 1st one, but not the 2nd, they probably got their celebration. If they got the 2nd and not the 1st (because somehow I messed up), I'm celebrating them just to be safe. But also some folks have "won" as many as 3 times, I have to dig through looking for 6 MBs. And SOME people have a ridiculous number of MBs! (Says a MB hoarder. ) It took me several hours to make my list last time, so I'm not feeling super motivated. I have papers to write and sleep to steal. We'll see if Sunday is the day... Until then, keep at it! And if you miss this celebration, there will be others. GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR ENTRY!!! And be sure to check out my challenge
and my contest