Join by entering a contest a month for 12 months--Win Badges! Catching up is allowed! |
1,000 GPs were sent to Rich with this post.
That's very sweet that they let you deviate from the prompt. I just care that you entered it. You are the 1st entry from here. Hopefully, she's getting entries from other places, because from here, she's only gotten yours. Thank you! Also, WELCOME TO MY CHALLENGE!!! Are you planning to do the whole thing from 2017 and qualify for the giant celebration? No promises as to what I'll give out in January, but last year I gave each person at least 15 MBs, 115 raffle tickets, 4 cNotes, 333,333 GPs, and 150k GPs to spend at the WdC Shop where I paid all the shipping, even for overseas folks. Each year is a bit. The only promise I make is that it will be totally amazing! Alternately, you can do a whole year and just get the regular MB celebration, which is usually a minimum of 7 MBs. Do what makes you happy, but know that I do allow making up months you miss. So if you get behind, don't fret. The only other thing is that you didn't post your entry here exactly right. No worries. I pretty much always give credit. When you post on here, the title is great, though you don't need the month and year if you are doing the current one. All the posts you see with a month and year are people making up months they missed (or just posting wrong lol). As for IN the post, you posted the actual item. I want to see that you actually entered by posting {post:XXXXXXX}. The forum post where you entered should pop up and you can just click that. If you forget, there are examples just above the forum. Basically, I need to know which contest you entered (title of your post) and that you actually entered (link to post in body of your post here). Any questions? Hopefully, I didn't overwhelm you. Finally, WELCOME TO MY CHALLENGE!!! And be sure to check out my challenge
and my contest