Technology, what a gift for writers. Well I have to tell you I am probably the only one that will post here that does not use a cell phone. We decided some years ago not to have one. And yes, you can survive without it.
So last year, I used regular paper and pen to keep notes at first, then they got transferred to files on my computer. I also did backup files to my hubby's computer, so I had two working copies of my novel at all times, I was so worried I would lose it.
I use a Mac laptop, new last year. I also have an ancient Dell, so old it doesn't run on battery anymore, can't be fixed. But it does have Word, and all my pictures from the 2000s plus PhotoShop. So I'm reluctant to get rid of it yet. Someday it will die for good.
I had a bad dream as I woke this morning. I was shopping in a thrift store, my favorite haunt, and put down my computer. I walked away without it. Then I realized sometime later I had left it there.

. I woke in a panic, my computer! My writing world! Then I realized I had dreamt it all. Ahhh, technology.
Queen Norma Jean

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![paper and pencil [#2234366]
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