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Message forum for readers of the BoM/TWS interactive universe. |
Here are my answers. First answers are those I wrote before reading other replies. Second answers are those I wrote afterward. The most charismatic. 1. There are a number of characters who I personally regard as charismatic, but I'm not sure how well they comes across on the page. Of my own leading suspects, I think Marc Garner probably comes across best among the guys. In theory, Catherine Muskov is positioned to be the most charismatic girl at WHS, but she is too much of a cipher on the page, so I'd give the female medal to Andrea Varnsworth. [No limits? Joe Durras. But I'm prejudiced.] 2. One person's "charismatic leader" is another person's "arrogant blowhard." So there's always room for divergences. Beyond that, I'm not sure everyone is using the word "charismatic" in the same way. I tend to think of "charisma" as a blend not only of forceful personality but of charm and persuasion, which is why I'd exclude a Steve Patterson. If we're only looking at force of personality, though, then I would put Patterson ahead of Garner, and I'd certainly put Stephanie Wyatt at the top of the list of girls. The sluttiest. 1. Faith Becker has the worst reputation. Among characters who actually appear with any frequency, I'd probably give it to Kendra Saunders, because she is so nakedly transactional about it. [No limits? Jamie Rennerhoff's mom turned out to be pretty slutty.] 2. Hmm. I guess I shouldn't have restricted myself to girls. Does that mean I'm now cancelled? Adrian Semple is not shown in action, but he will sleep with anything and anyone, as often as possible. Among male characters who have a respectable amount of page time? Alec Brown has been described as a man-whore, but Patterson has probably gotten more sex on page than any other male character. The worst temper 1. Gordon Black. [No limits? Gordon's dad.] 2. I'm reading "temper" as implying violence, quickness to anger, and a relative lack of justification in becoming angry. So I'm picking the person who blows up violently at the least provocation, and I think that's Gordon. Most of the others who have been named are scary when they're mad, but I don't think they get mad nearly as often as Gordon, and they have a lot more justification when they get angry. Worst person to impersonate long-term 1. Jeff Spencer. He rides the short bus and he has the worst friends possible given his life circumstances. [No limits? Aubrey Blackwell. He's at the center of multiple cross hairs: the Stellae; the demons that live in his villa; his own arrogant ineptitude; and his arteries.] 2. Anyone marked out for death? Yeah, they're at the top of this list. Otherwise, I'm sticking with Spencer. There is just no way out for him; some of the others who've been named could, as rugal says, with hard work, skill, and a little luck be pulled into a better place. Person you pity or feel sad for the most 1. Melanie Saxon. She not only lives with an alcoholic mother, she is trying to get pregnant because she's stupid enough to think that will help her escape her horrible home life. She's a car wreck waiting to happen. [No limits? Melanie's mom, maybe, probably because I'm thinking of Melanie. There are other mothers in really bad places in BoM.] 2. Yeah, Lucy is a good choice, but she is basically dead so I have a hard time not disregarding her for that very reason -- it would be like picking the real Scott Bickelmeir. Speaking of whom, on reflection, I think I'd change my choice to Taylor Mitchell. [No limits? Changing it to Rosalie. Cuthbert? And Grandmother? And Will Shabbleman? Yeesh!] The most physically gifted 1. Stephanie Wyatt I think is the most physically gifted girl. Kyle Lakewood doesn't show up much in BoM, but as developed in Student Bodies I think he wold prove to be the most well-rounded and successful boy athlete. [No limits? Frank Durras.] 2. I've been reading "physically gifted" as referring to overall physical talent. If it means "most gifted in a particular area and direction," then Gordon might be the best choice. Person you would like to have under your control (a la golem) 1. That depends on the position that I am in. If you're talking in the abstract, I think Jonathan Straussler would have to be my top pick. If I was a high school student again, at WHS, I think I'd pick Steve Patterson. He could protect me from all the other assholes, and he'd be fun to impersonate every once in a while. [No limits? Okay, this one is tricky, because technically a golem of one of the Stellae wouldn't have any of their prodigies. If we leave that limit in place, then I stick to my choices above. But if the most advanced Libra magic is unlocked, giving me the ability to control a fully functional Stellae? If I could have only one, I'd have a hard time not picking Joe. If I could control more than one, I would start with Rick Bredon. He'd be the most sensitive to infiltration and would be in charge of catching infiltrators, so having control of him would allow me to take control of the Stellae without tripping any alarms.] 2. Okay, I said above that I'd pick Patterson if I was a student at WHS. More fully: a. WHS: Steve Patterson (if guy) for protection (as golem) and fucking with other people (as impersonation); Yumi Saito (if girl) for making social connections (as golem) and physical fun (as impersonation). Advantage: Patterson, because at WHS protection is paramount. b. EHS: Jonathan Straussler (if guy) for sharing wealth and social connections (as golem) and enjoying health, wealth and popularity (as impersonation) ; Chris Yves (if girl) for popularity and social connections (as golem) and popularity (as impersonation). Advantage: Straussler for money. c. St. X: Marius Hall (if guy) for influence (as both golem and impersonation); Abi Steiner (if girl) for the same. Advantage: Abi is the best of the girls, but she's too messed up, so advantage Marius. |