Join by entering a contest a month for 12 months--Win Badges! Catching up is allowed! |
I'll show you some quick tagging things. There are several ways to tag folks, but the 2 I use the most are user and huser. Note that we use braces, not parentheses. {user:schnujo} Schnujo's Giving Away GPs {huser:schnujo} Schnujo's Giving Away GPs If you are advertising items, I'm assuming you know how to link them, but just in case you don't, here's the 2 ways I use most--item and bitem. Note that you need the item number, found near the top under the description. If it's your item and you've written or edited it recently, it will automatically pop up after the colon (depending on how fast your internet is lol). If you are linking to someone else's item, you need to copy their item number and paste it after the colon. {item:2109126} "The Contest Challenge" {bitem:2109126}
To test all this stuff out, you can go to the newsfeed and type something, then hit Enter (NOT Post Now). What you've been typing will be above and you can see if it looks like you expected. Sometimes it will show you everything before you hit Enter, but if not, that usually does the trick. Then you can see if you know what you are doing. Speaking of the newsfeed, if you hit Newsfeed on the left, you will only see posts from people you have fanned or favorited along with your posts and posts from people who posted directly in your Notebook because you are in your Personal Newsfeed. If you are in your Notebook (NOT Notepad, which is totally different and totally private), you will only see all your newsfeed posts and what other people have posted in your Notebook. To see what's going on all over WdC, when you are in your Personal Newsfeed, along the top you will see View the Community Newsfeed. Click that to see what EVERYONE is posting. There are so many people with so many fun and interesting things to post that you really miss out if you aren't on the Community Newsfeed regularly. Sadly, most folks never leave their Personal Newsfeed. Final lesson--it's a piece of advanced knowledge, but not really hard. To show you the code for things like {huser:schnujo}, I used 2 sets of braces like this...{{huser:schnujo}}. To show you that set of 2 braces, I actually used 3 sets of braces. Anyway, just in case you need to teach someone something really fast and need them to see the code. I hope I'm not overwhelming you. I think you should totally join my challenge. You tend to learn more and have more fun if you are actually doing some writing on a writing website. (Says the person who hasn't written in forever...) And with my challenge, there's no pressure to win the contests. In fact, it's 100% NOT about winning the contests. It's about stretching yourself to write different things you wouldn't have tried before. Win or lose, you still get goodies from me from time to time and if you are able to do the whole year (you can catch up if you get behind, so don't sweat it ), you get 2 exclusive MBs (merit badges--and exclusive means that only I can give them to you so they are very special), plus some extra MBs from the people on the newsfeed when I ask them to help you celebrate. But no pressure. It's just good to see you around! Welcome!