Join by entering a contest a month for 12 months--Win Badges! Catching up is allowed! |
Schnujo's Giving Away GPs I realized that it hadn't opened yet and I'm like jumping the gun, Sarah. But, I plan to also join in on the Dark Dreamscape since it is a favorite of mine. You have a great variety and you always do well with that. I love the choice of blog, poetry, all of them that you have especially for this month. There's a lot of spinning wheels with this challenge, and we all appreciate the love you take and make to have this every month and to catch up for years. I'm going to do my part in helping with the thinner contests. I want to feature them in my newsfeed and there's been others who have been helping me, such as Lilliy Loidd 🪔 Chibithulu (Alyssa) MirandaCookies IS IN COLLEGE and I know I'm missing some. They will post needing more entries, and if there's only one. I like to challenge other writers to join me, and that also can help. And definitely not slow, it takes some juggling and some help but also keep in mind participation helps with things. We're a community, so us all being excited to join in on contests here helps for them to have more people and more choices. We get in it together or try to. I feel like I'm rambling, but I wanted to say I appreciate your hard work greatly. Thank you for having this, for caring for the contests and the community it creates with us having them on WDC. ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** |