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A month-long novel-planning challenge with prizes galore. |
This is a list of all the various places where your scenes will take place. You might have a global setting like "Montana" as well, but this assignment is asking you to think smaller scale. Imagine your novel is a movie or TV show, and you have to build the sets. What sets would you need? I've been binge watching Cheers on Netflix. It's the story of the employees and regular patrons at a sports bar in Boston. On a global scale, you might list the setting as "Boston" or "Cheers" (the name of the bar in Boston), but here's a list of the scene settings, as defined by the various sets employed by the TV show: - The main bar room. Includes a rectangular bar at the center of the room, tables around the room, a TV usually showing sporting events, a staircase up to to the restaurant upstairs, a hallway with restrooms that leads to the pool room, and a door to the office. - The office, which is the private office of Sam (the owner) or Rebecca (the manager) depending on the season. It consists of a desk, shelves and a file cabinet behind the desk, a safe over the file cabinet, and a couch next to the door leading back out into the main bar. - The pool room, which is at the back of the bar. It contains a pool table surrounded by chairs against the walls, a giant stained-glass window, and the hallway with restrooms leading out to the main bar area. There are a variety of sets that were used less frequently, and I won't go into descriptions of those here, but I probably would if these settings were in my novel. At a minimum, for this assignment, I would list them as follows: - Diane's apartment. - Carla's house. - Rebecca's apartment. - Robin's penthouse apartment. These minor (infrequently used) settings only ever show one room - usually the main living area with a view of the front door to the residence, so we can see characters arriving at the residence. Musically Michelle ![]() ![]() |