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Basically, it's not, murphyco. I'll reapply next year. My Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor was determined that I wouldn't go to CA and she made sure I couldn't. She never transferred my case. I tried to call her supervisor twice, but never got a hold of her. I had 2 other counselors being very helpful to me. Turns out their supervisor is my counselor's supervisor's supervisor. (Follow? lol) I figured I'd contact that higher supervisor to praise the 2 who have been helping me. In that, of course, I'll have to mention the other situation some. I figure it will (hopefully) benefit the 2 who have been helping me, while getting across my concern about how things played out, yet with a generally positive spin since I'm doing it through praising others. Hopefully it goes as well in real life as it seems like it will in my head. On the good side, it's not like I can't benefit from more counseling and neurofeedback before I start school, so it's okay. I'm more mad at HOW this all worked out the way it did (her purposely misleading me) than I am at how it actually worked out (being delayed). Thanks for asking!