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Rated: 18+ · Message Forum · Community · #2163158
18 days and 18 challenges. Can you complete the WDC Poetry Challenge?
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Sep 8, 2018 at 4:39am
Day 8 prompt - the Octain Refrain
Please post your poem as a reply to this post.

Day 8 and we have a poem style that is written in eight lines of eight syllables: the Octain Refrain  Open in new Window.

You have a couple of choices today with this form:

1st: although each line must be eight syllables, you have the choice of using eight syllables, or you can use iambic or trochaic tetrameter if you prefer.

2nd: you can layout the eight lines of your poem in any of the ways described (either in stanzas of 1-3-3-1, 3-3-2, or all 8 lines in one stanza)

3rd: you can write either a standard Octain Refrain or a High Octain Refrain

Watch out for the slightly more complex rhyme pattern of this form - there are end rhymes as usual, but there is also an internal rhyme on the fifth line. The fifth line must contain two words that rhyme, such as: These keen eyes trace a joyful face.
Day 8 prompt - the Octain Refrain · 09-08-18 4:39am
by Andy~hating university Author IconMail Icon
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Re: Day 8 prompt - the Octain Refrain · 09-08-18 7:06am
by Choconut Author IconMail Icon
Re: Re: Day 8 prompt - the Octain Refrain · 09-08-18 11:43am
by Maryann Author IconMail Icon
Re: Day 8 prompt - the Octain Refrain · 09-08-18 2:09pm
by 🌻 pwheeler ~ love joy peace Author IconMail Icon
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Re: Day 8 prompt - the Octain Refrain · 09-08-18 3:52pm
by eyestar~* Author IconMail Icon
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Re: Day 8 prompt - the Octain Refrain · 09-08-18 5:32pm
by Prosperous Snow celebrating Author IconMail Icon
Re: Day 8 prompt - the Octain Refrain · 09-08-18 6:33pm
by L.A. Grawitch Author IconMail Icon
Re: Day 8 prompt - the Octain Refrain · 09-08-18 11:49pm
by Jayne Author IconMail Icon
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