A support forum for writers dealing with mental illness |
What is the best and worst advice you've received regarding your mental health? What advice would you give to a friend struggling with the same issues as you? Is it even a good idea for a layman to give advice on mental health issues, or should that be left to the professionals? I believe the best advice I've received regarding my mental health has come from God and my husband. From reading the Bible, I have found peace and guidance in the forms of prayer and treating others the way i want to be treated. From my husband I have learned to be open and honest with my feelings and to "let things go." In other words, keep things simple, don't let emotions get in the way or allow my emotions to control me. The worst advice I've ever received was not being honest with my feelings or acting out how I feel. Both, I feel, do not work. The advice I would give to someone struggling with the same issues I'm going through would be to first turn to God and prayer, share your feelings with someone you trust and keep things simple in your life. In addition, I would say that no one is perfect and that a person should pursue what they want in life and enjoy the life that they have. If they need to make corrections or improvements, seek help and advice from someone they love. Advice on mental health issues can be given, I think, only from those trusted by a person. Professionals can be quite helpful but it depends on the professional and his or her track record. Morningstar |