It is so interesting reading the perspectives on others with this topic.

, hopefully you have a positive support system outside of the man you are with. Personally, I have experienced similar, and I agree that if you are prone to depression it can take a huge toll. Being prone to depression, such an environment encourages what comes easily to me, isolation. With isolation comes rejecting friendships. So, hopefully you are maintaining supportive friendships.

, if by voices you mean old voices of degradation, I understand. Those voices can be challenging to quiet, especially when depression takes hold. Lately I've been replacing those voices with new ones, but they still sneak up on me regularly. Hoping you learn to quiet them, too.

Mental illness probably is caused by a variety of issues. I agree that we are what we eat. Unfortunately those in poverty can not afford to eat the better foods, which some have linked to disorders that affect them in youth and/or when they age. Interestingly, statistically, there is more mental illness in those who suffer poverty in childhood, so it totally makes sense that food might play a part in that.
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