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Feb 15, 2018 at 11:57pm
New member, Avid and aspiring writer!~
by Amarra

Hello, My Name is AmarraJade, Or Amarra/Am/etc. I've been kicking myself recently because I fell out of writing and gotten into a slump of just sending stories to a couple close writer friends. There is one problem; they adore every letter of what I write, which is rather problematic when you want honest criticism... I saw the link on facebook (literally an hour ago) and hopped on.

Lemme tell you more about me though...

I started writing from a very, very, very, very young age. My mother has told me on multiple occasions that when I was three I wrote a 'book' about.... Sigh... How Me and Freddie from Scooby-Doo would get married. The first thing I ever write and it's fanfiction (Fanfic is totally viable btw, not cramping anyone's style bro). But, alas, such a masterpiece has yet to be presented to me as proof, and thus my Magnum Opus is lost to whichever corner of the garage or random closet it's doomed to for all eternity. I am genuinely and truely heartbroken. No sarcasm, Whatsoever.~ But, as you can see, I've had the idea of writing for quite some time. The first book that I read that made me want to be a writer was Gregor the Overlander (One million points to those who've read it, you are dear to my heart). I was so excited after we started reading it as a class that I... 'accidentally' spoiled a major plot twist in the first book, and blurted it to everyone in the class. Not very many people were as excited as I was, nor were they happy with my reading ahead.

Anywho, I'm now twenty-three and about to be married in October. I'd like to call myself an expert, but thus far, I've made few public posts and made no professional submissions. I work closely with a few friends on a couple personal projects (that I may or may not add here) and my best friend and Bromaid(TM) is basically my editor, and in some cases, a co-writer.

I look forward to reading and writing with you all! *Heart*
New member, Avid and aspiring writer!~ · 02-15-18 11:57pm
by Amarra
Re: New member, Avid and aspiring writer!~ · 02-18-18 8:21pm
by Kimbug
Re: Re: New member, Avid and aspiring writer!~ · 02-18-18 10:33pm
by A Non-Existent User

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