NOT OPENING IN DEC 2016 --- TEFF on WDC since 2004, 139 community recognitons, EVERYONE! |
300 GPs were sent to April Sunday with this post. Can you make the cut of those winners whom receive high gift point amounts for their winning stories? Are you a short story buff? Even post Christmas buzz there's still ample days of winter to work on multiple entries OR: Create perfect holiday rhymes. INCENTIVE Each acceptable story submission receives Two Thousand Gift Points. Plus, no fuss with counting, recounting and erasing entire sentences to fit into a sock by the fireplace. UPDATE: POETRY INCENTIVE: JAN 3 .. ~WhoMe???~ has agreed to be Christmas 2015s poetry judge. To up the ante 1000 gp per poem shall be awarded for poems. Deadline change went to Feb 14, 2016 ANNOUNCEMENT: This Christmas contest now officially enters our NINTH YEAR, copyrt, 2006. IMPORTANT INFO: ENTRIES are listed by title @
Submissions also appear like new fallen snow on our HONOR ROLL section, appearing by title. Creative fiction and poetry welcome. CONTEST RULES OF ENGAGEMENT Deadline is Feb 14, 2016. EVERY submission must follow Christmas genre. Our theme is Christmas, thus your creations must contain the word Christmas, date DEC 24/ 25 or reasonable wording pertaining to this winter holiday & holy day. Certainly Christmas holiday theme is writer choice. Genre combos are fine e.g. a Christmas setting for a mystery, a comedy fiction piece, etc. Ideas are numerous, especially shifting centuries ... all inclusive of Christmas Genre. NO word limits on entries. Post your entry bitem # below. No forum post stories. RE: bitem format. (There arose such a clatter. Do this {bitem: xxxx } close bracket ... ONLY! WDCs newer ways to type bitems are not carrying over well here. Accepting original Poetry and Short Stories pertaining to the season. Accepting new or old stories that have NOT been entered in previous years @ "Invalid Item" Accepting multiple entries. No erotica. Sneaking one into the forum is subject to deletion. New Rule: Under no circumstances shall your story or poem be titled: EVERYONE HAS A CHRISTMAS STORY llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll SHORT STORY PRIZES FIRST PLACE WINNER receives 30,000 GP! SECOND PLACE WINNER receives 20,000 GP! POETRY PRIZES FIRST PLACE WINNER takes home: 5000 GP! SECOND PLACE WINNER receives 2000 GP! Poetry submissions receive a bonus of 1000 gp per entry. 2015 HONOR ROLL coming along as stories and poems arrive in the mail. Now, at Teffom Estates we've a mailman like the one in Funny Farm, a Chevy Chase movie. But don't worry. Relax! And receive ... secret Santa gp ... as birds migrate and as bears hibernate. DO .. happily --- Visit often, post your entries below in bitem format. A. Entering the contest B. Reviewing the contestants (possibly posting your reviews in our forum) as a means of site sharing. C. Donating to the prize pool EVERYONE accepted in 2015s ANNUAL EVERYONE HAS CHRISTMAS STORY SHOWN @ ANTHOLOGY ... See:
HONOR ROLL TITLE: A CHOCOLATE HOLIDAY -- by willwilcox Rev -- Review of "The Chocolate Holiday" from Miss TEFFY THE CHRISTMAS ANGEL -- by Fyn GOD'S LOVE IN NATURE, a poem by chord0 A BARE TREE -- A CHRISTMAS TALE by Vincent Coffin SANTA'S GIFT -- by Jennifer L Rowlands A SAVIOR IS BORN by Word Warrior beating cancer!! a.k.a. "Invalid Item" MERRY CHRISMOUSE by SandraLynnSprinkles Slingin' REV Review of "Merry Chrismouse!" THE PAPER LAY WAITING by SandraLynnSprinkles Slingin' REV Review of "The Paper Lay Waiting" A STAR, A CHILD WAS BORN ON CHRISTMAS MORN by Cynaemon Review of "A Star, A Child Was Born Christmas Morn" ============================================================================================================================================================== Appreciation for donations from: ~WhoMe???~ And the place to be an active member @ CONTEST CENTRAL STATION a.k.a "Contest Central Station" Good luck to all contestants. Since DEC 2006 --- "Invalid Item" is an annual activity for:
RE RULES/ ACCEPTED ENTRIES "ACCEPTED ENTRIES VS FEW REJECTIONS" <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ** *This might be the only contest forum onsite that awards, accepts and courts short stories without specific word counts. IF there's another no-word limitation contest @, please send me the bitem. I'd love to try my luck. See, me? Oh, I'm gabby." . CONTEST CLOSED FEB 14, 2016 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< |