deskro and welcome to Writing.Com. It's great that your girlfriend suggested that idea and supporting you. As Robyn said above greatest way to start your writing here in WdC is to check "
Writing.Com 101"

, basic guidance in this site. Most of the newbies, myself as well, get overwhelmed first time for so many things this site offer and sometimes it's possible to get lost as you don't know what you suppose to know first.

Writing.Com 101"

is just helping you with linking your writing, editing items, just basic instructions that are important. However, we have as well groups for newbies where you may introduce yourself, get friends and possible reviewers of your work. There's a lot of people here that are writing in different genres as well and it would be nice to connect with those who write in the genre you're writing as well. I would suggest to check:
The Newbies Academy Group"

and "
Newbie Help And Support Group"

. They are helping to newbies a lot. Feel free to post your hello to "
Newbies Academy Registration - OPEN"

and get involve into discussions and get fans and friends.
However, I want to show you one more place here. You said you're making attempt of your first novel. We have "
October Novel Prep Challenge"

that you might wanna check out if you think bigger than blog. I signed up for prep as well and many people here. I've heard it's pretty exciting do preparation in October before November's NaNo. Anyway, I don't want to confuse you with all stuff now that WdC offer, I just linked you important one so you'll see where you'll go. Welcome again and good luck with your novel.
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