I was here a ways back, to the beginning, I think, as schipperke. Life interfered, I disappeared, then reappeared as
. My list is a combo of folks I miss dearly and current folks who have been an inspiration and who have really helped me grow as a writer.
zwisis My friend Sarah! We have kept in touch all these years, not as much as I wish we could, but she is an awesome person and a fellow dog lover.
Mavis Moog 
One Christmas, Miss Mavis sent me a surprise gift all the way from Merry Old England! She is a brilliant writer and I learned much from her.
scarlett_o_h Her blog posts always made me smile! Another friend from England, I miss our old blogging group quite a bit.

Opal Twins: YES, I remember them! They gave me my first review here. So helpful, funny, and I still don't know if they were really two people or one

Roo: Roo was young, about 13 I think. She invited me to her online birthday party here. A sweet girl, and a great writer. Where ever she is, I wish her the best.
Kåre เลียม Enga 
A wonderful poet and blogger.
willwilcox A horrific inspiration in a good way!
Winnie Kay 
I feel smarter after taking her comma course. A great teacher and highly recommended.
When I returned here in 2012, I discovered her. I read her entire rough draft of her novel. It is better than most published novels I read now. I hope and pray she puts her book out for publishing. I already told her I would be first in line to buy it!

Laurencia: when I first became a mod, Laurencia was a great help to me.
I think some members don't realize how a word of encouragement goes a long way. Way back, Thing was a great help to me. I never forgot.
Thank you thank you, for all your help and kindness!
Always an inspiration
David McClain 
A champion blogger and the founder of the defunct Blogging newsletter.
I remember you all and appreciate every review, every note, every bit of encouragement. I think I got more support when my schipperke dog, Baron, died (which is why I switched my name when I rejoined) then I did from my own family.