Gosh...I've been inspired and I'm thankful for so many people, so this list was pretty hard to come up with, but here goes all the same!
The StoryMaster 
The StoryMistress 
- can I cheat and make then ONE person?

Because both in their own way have encouraged and supported this female from Day One in more ways than I can count.
- one of the first mods to make me feel like I belonged. Such an inspiration, I can't even.
shaara - one of my Writing.com 'Moms'- She held my hand and was never too busy to help me whenever she could.
- what else can be said about Gab? She's the sweetest, kindest, (and I still doubt she's human because she's probably one of those celestial figures sent to earth or something. I kid you not!)
- another of my Writing.com 'Moms'! Never, ever too busy to give you a moment of her time whenever needed.
- who I see as a kid brother I would like to kick in the ass every once in a while, but I love him to bits! Always helpful and such a wonderful human being. (now pay me that five bucks for writing all this good stuff about you, Mister!)
- another person who owes me some money! Hah! Seriously though, it's so much fun chatting with you, and you're the sweetest!

- Should I consider you another of my Writing.com 'Moms'?? Because you're so awesome and fun and everything inbetween!
richardd - who will probably read this and wonder what I was smoking when typing.

It's okay, Richard. I owe you to bits and appreciate your friendship! Spokane is lucky to have you...or are they?
- I want your energy and positive spirit, Missy! Sleep with one eye open because one of these days, I'll be stealing away that brain of yours!
Grateful Jess 
- one of the first set of friends I made here on Writing.com! It's been fun watching you grow, young lady!
Tammy - who is unfortunately no longer a member, but she qualifies as another of my Writing.com Moms because she single-highhandedly walked me through this site when I was a newbie. I miss you wherever you are!
- who is also now so crazy busy, but was one of the first folks to help me make "
The WDC Angel Army"

a reality and watch it grow! Thank you for everything!
- Oh man, such good times we had back then when we would write and try to outwrite each other! Between you and
Chester Chumley 
, I'll cherish your creativity and talent. You both helped me become a better writer!
- For putting up with my over enthusiasm about some subject matters,

always making me laugh and never too busy to help out whenever you need her too!
Phew! So many more folks I could have listed, but you said 15 (and I cheated *lol* because I think I had 17 there in the end *lol*)