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There isn't an automated way to do it, but there are tools that you can use to do almost the same thing. You can put the identifier words at the bottom of your entry. If you use a leading special character like hashtags do, the searches won't pull up extraneous entries. You can use the hide tags to keep them from being visible if you want. The book search will still bring up the entries. WritingML Help for hide If you have a Premium membership, you can use the Signature feature to create a custom sig for the book that is a template that has all your identifier words in it, properly formatted, so you can delete everything you don't want and leave the ones you do want -- no typing, no typos. http://www.writing.com/main/my_account.php?action=list_sigs If you're using hide tags, you can use a list format in the template -- one identifier word per line -- to make deleting more convenient for you. If you don't have a Premium membership, you can use a dropnote in your blog header to create a copy/paste template to do the same thing. WritingML Help for dropnote Using tags takes care of making the WritingML tags show = copy-able. WritingML Help for db Post a list of your identifier word options in your blog header for readers so they can copy/paste their choice to the Book's search bar (no typing/no typos). You can use a dropnote titled "Keyword Directory" to keep it from being visible all the time, and yet be accessible for anyone who wants the information. WritingML Help for dropnote If you'd like to see an example, this forum uses a similar identifier word strategy: "Invalid Item" . Hope that helps. Northernwrites___ ~~Image #6000 Sharing Restricted~~ ~~Image #603504 Sharing Restricted~~ |