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Just a little something to celebrate the respondents of ALL Symposium topics 1 - 39 |
Okay folks, this is the final topic to answer!!! I am so very, very impressed that you are all here, having shown amazing dedication to the original 32 topics and then to these final seven. When I started this little exercise I really thought there would be only one left standing who had answered every topic so five is awesome! Thank you so much for sticking with it! Background to Topic 39 I was down to write the feature article for the 16 May AoC Newsletter. It was going to be about being NICE - kind, considerate, appreciative, helpful etc etc. I aimed for that topic because sometimes it feels like people consider nice in the 'nasty four-letter word' list and can't bear to go anywhere near the concept - and, yes, I'm talking about here on WDC. Bit ironic, I thought, that I was already planning the article by the time the Newsletter went dead. I remember some of the comments on the various newsfeeds and in other newsletters at that time, and they were nasty and uncalled for. The article wasn't going to be a preachy 'do this, be that' sort (mostly!) but also giving some ideas on what to do if you're on the receiving end of any form of nastiness here. For example, how many on WDC know that they can block members, suspend posts etc, or how to react to a scathing review? Unfortunately, the article remains mostly in my head but I try, in all my dealings on WDC (and outside it), to be nice. After all, it doesn't cost me anything! The Topic I want you to consider what nice means (or doesn't mean, perhaps) and come up with a phrase of four words that start with the letters N I C E. Something like: Never Is Cruelty Effective I don't really mind if the grammar is a little off, as long as it's not just four words stuck together. Reply by: Reply to this post by midnight on May 16 (WDC time, as usual). MB to the one I like most. Golden Feather All those that respond will be in a dice-roll for the 500K golden feather, which has been something I've looked forward to giving away since I began this activity! |