Just a little something to celebrate the respondents of ALL Symposium topics 1 - 39 |
I think I warned that there'd a reviewing topic at some point. Well, this is that point but don't panic, I'm not asking you to review. PatrickB 's The Art of Criticism Project's "Newsletter" used to contain a little thing called Top 5 Reviews. I got immense satisfaction from seeing one of my reviews listed there, especially when it was a review that I'd worked extra hard on. Being recognised for your efforts (in any way) makes one try even harder next time. So..... This round is very, very simple: Post a link to your best review from within the last twelve months. I'm not going to judge the 'best' of them (wouldn't dare ) so there'll be raffle tickets for all who respond by midnight Thursday 16 April (WDC time) in reply to this post. But..... If you'd like the chance to earn an OPPS merit badge, there's something else you can do. Post some feedback you've received from one of your reviews that proves a review can make someone else's day. You don't need to give the name of member or even the review, though that would be nice. I will 'judge' this one (and entry is optional). UPDATE: since I can't very well judge my own response (thanks, Elle - on hiatus ) I will be throwing the dice for this MB! Public Service Announcement: I think we all received the recent reviewing tips email but this tip is so very important. Frankly, even if the review is *&^*% you need to respond to it. Don't be snarky too. Tip: To receive the most reviews, be sure to thank your reviewers for the help they provide. Even if you disagree with their views of your item, any feedback has provided you with a perspective other than your own. By responding favorably to them, whether you agree or not, you are showing that you value all of the feedback you receive. This will make you more likely to receive MORE feedback from the same reviewer and other members. Happy responding and reviewing, Os |