WDC's Longest Running Blog Competition - Hiatus |
Here's an additional question. Let's say your the leader of a band of monkeys and these monkeys are hungry. On the side of a river the band sees a bunch of bananas. However, on the other side of the river everyone can clearly see orange slices! Now, there is no easy way to get to the other side. The river has crocs. If you travel for awhile, the river narrows and you can get across there. A few of the monkeys want to stick with the bananas and then nap. Others want those orange slices. How do you deal with this conflict? We eat the bunch of bananas, this gives us great strength and resolve. The sleepy monkeys are sleepy no longer. We travel down the river bank to where the river narrows and I use my panda monkey strength to knock down a dead tree. (I know you said we could cross there, but I didn't want to take any chances) The tree spans the river and we travel to the other side, where we now eat the orange slices and then take a nap because we have full monkey bellies. On another day, food pickings have been slim. The band comes across some mounds of seed. Some birds are trying to eat this seed. What does your valiant band of monkeys do about this situation? Well, this is rather easy. We eat the birds. |