WDC's Longest Running Blog Competition - Hiatus |
Interview Questions For: The Blogging Bunch 1.Team The Blogging Bunch , did you take it upon yourself to get things started as team leader, or were you selected to the job? If you were selected, did someone other than you step up initially to get things started? On 2/3, at about 8pm, I sent a group email to the other participants asking if anybody had thought about team name/motto/leader. I also volunteered to be leader if they wanted. I received answers from the majority saying that was okay, so the next day I started the forum. 2. Panda, you are trapped on an island with your team. There are two trees close enough so that you can string a hammock between the trees and there is plenty of hammock making materials (more than enough for everyone.) Now how to you go about deciding what to do about the hammock situation? I inform the team about the hammock materials, we divide it up and make our hammocks. Starting at the top of the trees everybody hangs their hammocks. Everybody helps everybody else with stringing them, making them etc. There are no monkeys left with no where to rest their weary monkey butts. 3. Panda, who on your team would be the best at writing a prompted blog entry if only given a hour to do so, and why? Who would have the most difficulty? I would say Prosperous Snow celebrating or Fivesixer , both of these bloggers have proven records of consistent blogging. If I had to choose, I would want to contact both in case someone wasn't available to write within that hour. I would be the weakest link 4. Joel - Panda, What WDC (or others) communication tools did you employ to form your team? Initially, I mass emailed the whole team. I didn't want to create a group or forum without making sure everyone was okay with it. The next morning I woke up to 31 emails, mostly from the team going back and forth with ideas. While I was asleep most of the details were ironed out by the team. I set the team group and then the forum for just the team members. 5.Joel - Panda, Who came up with your team name? Looking back over the emails, Julie D - PUBLISHED! came up with the name. Then the rest of the team okay-ed it. 6. Joel - Panda, Who's idea was it to include a 'Team Song' - who wrote the song? When I sent the information to to post in my absence I included the song. skeason wrote it and we went with it. The team also came up with the image, which was then agreed upon. 7. Smitty - Panda, can you tells us what tune your team song is to be sung to or do you have a recording that can be shared if the tune is as original as the lyrics? It is written to be sung to the tune of The Brady Bunch theme song. https://video.search.yahoo.com/video/play;_ylt=A0LEV7uD9NhUI10AkiInnIlQ;_ylu=X3o... 8. Elaine - Panda, If you were in a band of monkeys and saw a flock of birds being stalked by a snake, would you warn the birds? Why or why not? I would certainly warn the birds and even try to scare the snakes- if anyone is going to take down the Birds on a Wire, it is going to be us. Just kidding, we aren't out to kill the birds or have them killed, we are just going to kick their butts. 9. Elaine - Panda, Do you agree or disagree the world is composed of wolves, sheep, and sheepdogs? I agree, that there are three types of people, just like the wolves, sheep and sheepdogs. Most, I would hop are sheepdogs, watching over the sheep, doing their own thing. Then there are the wolves, praying on the weakest, the sheep. It is up to the majority, the sheepdogs to protect the sheep and keep the wolves at bay. 10. Joel - Panda, (keeping in mind, this is NOT an elimination round) Did anyone on your team stand out as a strong contributor to the team effort? There were a few in the first challenge,skeason ,Julie D - PUBLISHED! and Cubby~On the Road Again! came up with some great ideas.Fivesixer kept the conversation going. 11. Joel - Panda, (keeping in mind, this is NOT an elimination round) Was there anyone on your team, who was AWOL, or added less than expected to the team effort? Not during this first challenge, everyone contributed to either the first email or the forum posts, or both. 12. Smitty - Panda, "If you contracted bloggorosis and were unable to blog or support your team, would they: a) Flail at prompts and hope for the best? b) Continue as if nothing happened (in other words, you aren't really needed)? c) Use their blogs to spread rumors about you so others don't know you're contagious? d) Challenge the other team to writing eulogies about you?" Oh, knowing this team they would begin by using their blogs to spread rumors about me, (pole dancing I am sure) then they would challenge the other team to write eulogies about me... then they would continue as if nothing happened. They would NEVER EVER Flail or FAIL! Excellent questions, thank you for the opportunity to share. |