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Sacrifice a story at the altar and unlock the secrets of terror! |
Max - I appreciate your reply to my comment re: Lottie's Tales of Terror Contest. Having run Running on Empty and then Running on Empty II: "Sequel and Ye Shall Find" a few years back I can certainly appreciate the time and commitment which goes into such an undertaking. However, in Lottie's case, she has a definite track record as far as hopping onto WdC, promoting her contest (which I now wonder if it is really only there to attract people to her Cicero Grade Editing business, given her erratic history here), and then disappearing indefinitely. In other words, it is an annual thing with her. I'm not sure (I didn't look yet) how far back her forum for this contest goes, but if it's the same one she's used since the beginning of her running the Scribes (of which I'm a former member), the date stamps on the forum posts -- and the long gaps between visits by the judge -- will easily bear out my claim. She's on for one or two months -- all pumped up and spouting the benefits of being a member of the Scribes, etc., and then presto! -- where did she go? The logical question might be, "Knowing all of this, why did you enter?" Admittedly, not a wise move on my part. I enjoy writing in the genre, and after observing this pattern of behavior with Lottie over several years without entering, I guess I had a moment of weakness, and decided to give it (and her) another shot. So, my comment on her forum wasn't posted without due consideration, and while I know very well that, as you say, "and real life can unexpectedly intervene," I think I showed considerable restraint prior to commenting. Certainly, if something of a truly serious nature occurs, I fully understand and sympathize with the host. (To that point, though, I don't think that hopping online and posting a quick note on the forum to let the people know there was/is a delay is asking too much, either). I'd also like to address your comment "Maintenance is a challenge, and almost no one seems to appreciate the effort or GPS expended. After all, this contest, like mine, has no entry fee." As I said earlier, I know full well what running something of this magnitude entails. To your point, I totally agree that it isn't easy. However, that doesn't absolve you, me, or Lottie of the responsibilities which are attached to running a contest, which is a long-running point of contention with me regarding this site. It cannot simply be a one-way street. And if it is indeed that much of a challenge to someone that it's months before they even bother to post, then sorry -- they shouldn't be running a contest -- it's that simple. As far as the argument about "no entry fee" goes, I find that somewhat superficial. Most contests solicit donations, and I've donated to the Scribes in the past. In my mind, that fact alone entitles me to raise questions when the host goes bye-bye. Taking that a step further, most people have to pay significant (depending on their desired level of membership) sums of real U.S. currency to maintain memberships on this site. As far as I'm concerned, that automatically entitles them the right to "bother" the contest host(s) when promises fall by the wayside. In my estimation, this sites' implied policy of 'let them govern themselves' is a disservice to all paying members, because, frankly, this goes on too often. If the site were truly 'free' then that would be another whole kettle of fish, to be sure. But it's not, and it's one of the reasons I'm now in "countdown mode" -- in terms of my membership -- on this site. I'm also sending this as an email, because I expect the post to be deleted as soon as the host reads it. (Heck, I'd delete it if it were in her shoes, too). Regards, Jeff |