Motivate yourself to conquer your goals this week! Post on Monday; update us on Friday! |
My goals didn't go quite as well this week as I had hoped they would. However, considering this was my first time setting real weekly goals for myself, I suppose I didn't do too bad. 1. Work on the playlist for my NaNoWriMo novel, First Came Lightning. I completed this goal with no issues at all. I worked on it every day this week, and I'm quite fond of what I've come up with thus far. It's not complete (I'll probably actually continue adding to it even as I write), but I added a whole handful of fitting songs. 2. Continue brainstorming First Came Lighting daily; write down any specific scene ideas on index cards, making sure to include the POV. I also completed this goal. It went pretty well, and I have a pretty solid plot thought out. 3. Start the rewrite of Manipulation, managing at least 5,000 words by the end of the week. I failed miserably at this. I didn't even start the rewrite, much less complete 5,000 words. However, in my defense, I hadn't even thought about the fact that I would probably want to read the rough draft before writing it over. 4. Do at least one review a day. I didn't fail this quite as miserably as Goal #3, but I didn't complete it either. I only did three reviews, one on Monday, one on Tuesday, and one today (Friday). Hopefully next weeks goals will go better than these (and I'll have a bit more experience in setting them, so I might pick some things that are a bit more realistic. |