Motivate yourself to conquer your goals this week! Post on Monday; update us on Friday! |
So much to do; so little time... 1) Absolutely, positively must finish "Monty's Back" for "Invalid Item" . Since poetry takes less time for me (at least with the quality of poetry I spit out), I keep putting at the back of the to-do list. Time has a way of flying by, and if I don't finish it soon, I'll be in big trouble. 2) Thought of an entry for "Invalid Item" , which I'll call "Over Troubled Water." Not exactly a happy-happy joy-joy piece, but I think it fits the prompt rather well. 3) Will also attempt an entry for one of the two contests: "Supernatural Writing Contest - Closed" which requires no prompt, but I have a lot of story ideas I could use, or maybe "Tales of Terror" , which has an interesting prompt, but also has a "here today -- gone tomorrow" history. Will decide on one or the other. 4) Debating on whether to enter "Invalid Item" next month. I played this month, but sort of deep-six'd any chances of winning when my wife and I took off on a 'getaway' weekend. This one in September just so happens to fall on my wife's birthday (Sept. 21) so I could end up either missing a day or two of the contest again, which would put a big hurt on my chances of winning --- again! Or, I could use the old "I'll be done in a couple of hours, Dear" tactic (which I've already used ad nauseum as it is) and still be left with a lot of 'splainin' to do... That's it for this week... |