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Rated: E · Message Forum · Contest · #1093986
"Lyrical Prompt" POETRY Contest - Reopened! Round 27 OPENS 12/03/2024 and Ends 01/03/2025
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Jun 11, 2014 at 12:46pm
by A Non-Existent User
Clock goes tik-tok tik-tok
Is there going to be a day when the clock stops
Or is it going to keep going like a
Wheel is spinning 'round and round'

Will there be a time when the globe stops
Is every little child going to keep playing hop scotch
Will that day come when the redeemer hands is right upon us
Or for life's sake the wheel is spinning 'round and round'
Entry · 06-11-14 12:46pm
by A Non-Existent User

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