Motivate yourself to conquer your goals this week! Post on Monday; update us on Friday! |
I can't believe it is Monday already! I have set up my flowerpots "Lining Up My 100 Flowerpots - Carly" I have made a commitment to write 750 words a day and to exercise for at least 20 minutes a day for 100 days (this started Sunday March 9, 2014). So far, so good – I managed to get my updates done - I should be done 100 days by next Monday, I think! Writing Goals: I will continue to do my 750 words each day – I have will have a writing streak of 74 days by Friday. I will write seven blogs entries this week – using a minimum of 15 prompts from Welcome to My Reality, Blog City and the 30 Day Bloggers Challenge. I will work on my NaNo novel for JuNoWriMo – I have signed on to do another 50,000 words this month. I will write and review for the I Write – June, July and August contest – I have completed one week so far. I have also signed up to do the Review Course of the Symposium College. – I would like to get at least one review done for that this week. Reading Goals: I have signed up to read 5 books for the month of June I need to write up any reviews of finished books and post them to the Reading Challenge. I also need to read a book with a four word title for the Goodread’s Yathzee Challenge. I have chosen Lori Foster’s Caught in the Act I am reading Flight Behavior by Barbara Kingsolver I am also reading Game of Thrones by George R. R. Martin Teaching Goals: I will update my resume to get it ready for any upcoming positions. ** Image ID #1988708 Unavailable ** ** Image ID #1855238 Unavailable ** |