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Rated: 13+ · Message Forum · Writing.Com · #126963
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May 9, 2014 at 3:41am
Prabhat Introduces himself
A 36 Years old newbie sounds like an oxymoron, but i am a newbie here and i am really 36 years old. I am a small entrepreneur born and residing in India. I work as a part-time freelance writer and have written quite a number of articles and contents, some of which i know where they have been published, and most of them, i do not have any idea about their whereabouts(must be lying beneath layers of 'digital dust' in some dark corner of the web).

I came to know about this website while reading a book 'Freelance Writing Guide' by Christine Rice - a freelance writer. She started her freelance career by joining writing.com which did not help her financially much but certainly helped her hone writing skills and gain valuable attention. I found the story inspiring and of great practical value and that is why i am writing this piece of introduction.

Unlike most of the people, i am a scatter-brained, fickle minded creature who has this uncanny ability of falling in love with anyone and anything that comes in my way. Among a wide range of hobbies it was reading and writing that made a great impact on my mind. Reading literature has turned me into a voracious reader and i dedicate most of my leisure time reading classic . Few years ago i started writing articles with the sole intention of improving my skills, for the payment i got for it could not buy anything more than candies: $1 for 500 words. Other than honing my skills it also helped me know 'What publishers Want' : a Hemingway , no more no less, for $1 per article.

With time i started earning more but i found the topics utterly bland and insipid; once my client assigned me ten different articles on the same topic - Lingerie. I wrote articles on various products and services and at one time it felt as if i had been touting rather than writing; there was no scope for expressing your creativity and writing about things you knew and loved.
I have joined writing.com with the hope that my creativity will be acknowledged and it will metamorphose me from a nagging 'touter' to a satisfied writer.
Prabhat Introduces himself · 05-09-14 3:41am
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