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Oct 28, 2013 at 9:26pm
Edited: October 28, 2013 at 9:27pm
Re: Grammar Bot Idea
*Dollar* 1,234 GPs were sent to Brandiwyn🎶 Author Icon with this post.
Something like this came up in here before. The other games are all random. They were given small or existing data sets and they create an unlimited amount of games. Some "skilled" and some not. The problem with creating grammar questions is that they'll be essentially the same over and over for eternity, with the people who've seen the same one 5 or 20 times having a severe advantage over newbies seeing the question for the first time. While there are a lot of places to get educated on the site, I don't think that's the right direction for this type of automated, robotic gaming thing.

.... But, we do have the Word Puzzles and Trivia Games left open for "humans" who want to create more detailed things. Consider hosting a "grammar trivia" night ... where you have a group of people each come up with 5 or 10 different grammar trivia questions. Pick a time and have a little party in Scroll. (That would be *Cool*.) Toss in some Word Puzzles to mix it up with the questions which might go a little on the quicker side. *Smile*


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Grammar Bot Idea · 10-26-13 8:28am
by Brandiwyn🎶 Author IconMail Icon
*Star* Re: Grammar Bot Idea · 10-28-13 9:26pm
by The StoryMaster Author IconMail Icon
Re: Re: Grammar Bot Idea · 10-29-13 11:00am
by Crys-not really here Author IconMail Icon

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