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Oct 26, 2013 at 11:58pm
Re: Re: Don't know how to manage this
I also understand y'all's disappointments and frustrations. I am Bipolar/ADHD, so I probably just don't dwell on things I've screwed up or havent' done. I do feel like I have cheated myself by staying home instead of going to a party or parade or something like that. I finally made up my mind to go to a local Writing Group nearby. It started at 7 and ended at 8. So my mother said she'd take me and my husband would pick me up afterwards.

I was all ready, bathed, fixed my hair and make up, decided for about 30 minuites what to wear, filled my portfolio with some of my writing and was looking out of the window, but no one showed up. I called Momma to ask her when she was leaving, hoping she was on her way.

"Oh my! I completely forgot. I am on my way out to a party. I'm so sorry I forgot." I lied and let her know I wasn't upset, but I was very upset. If I make plans, especially for someone else to count on, I do what I was asked to do and didn't mind at all.

My mother and I haven't mentioned this again and we probably won't. Why hurt someone's feelings just because they hurt yours? It is an incident well forgotten. I'll ask her again when the meeting comes around. Maybe/


Whales once filled our oceans with beautiful songs.
Don't know how to manage this · 10-21-13 6:53am
by EmeraldCastrol
Re: Don't know how to manage this · 10-24-13 8:38am
by Isola Bertolucci
*Star* Re: Re: Don't know how to manage this · 10-26-13 11:58pm
by Lesley Scott

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