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A place to get together and chat about mental illness or about whatever is on your mind. |
Hello, Brom, Lesley here. I am Bipolar and ADHD. So I go up and then I go down. I have been in the hosital three times and after fourty years of therapy, not much really makes me say, "Oh! Now I understand." I do understand, and I am pleased to be who I am, as well. If you get a chance to see my port, you will notice all animal adventures. All but maybe two I wrote for a contest are very true. My rollercoaster ride has lead me through an interesting life. I've had so many different jobs and careers, I don't know where to start. I was a denatal assistant, animal control officer, newspaper assistant editor for my college, majoring in English, and worked for five years at a small bi-weekly newspaper in a large rural area. I got to sit in on murder trials, judge pumpkin carving contests and covered some mighty big drug busts. It broke my heart. I am an Alligator fan. I used to rescue and relocate huge ones and little ones. After I had the large ones' mouths taped, I could usually find one of the specators to help me drag him or her up into my animal control truck. I was supposed to be picking loose dogs, but really had more important work to do with how to train and teach animal control officers to be professional. Boy, I sure had my work cut out for me! Your friend, Lesley |