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A place to get together and chat about mental illness or about whatever is on your mind. |
Hi There Nangwaya! I am happy to help in any way I can. The first book I would recommend is "I'm OK, You're OK". I had many AhA! moments reading this. It helped me to see myself and the problems I had without knowing it. It is a book of self discovery if you read it with the knowledge that you will see parts of yourself in it. As a schizophrenic, I have always been very shy. I felt bad about myself in the extreme because I've always been overweight. I had few friends, and was a loner. I could see everyone's "side" in an argument or way of living and dealing with life, and this book helped me to see my problems and to find solutions. This in conjunction with A wonder Psychiatrist, a Christian doctor that also belonged to a prayer group of other psychiatrists...A Christian organization. They prayed for their patients and discussed alternative ways of dealing with different patients. So, to make a long story short, you have to work in conjunction with the reading and the therapy. I had a very destructive family life...my Doctor finally advised me to move across town when I could and not get a phone. My Brother and Sister also had problems, but I was the only one that got the help I needed, and an the only successful offspring they had. Sorry, I am long-winded and love discussing the various things that lead to me being ill and not only inheriting the disease. There were extenuating circumstances in my becoming ill, and I think I could have had it, but if I had not been under so much pressure, I may have never been successful, or found my way in life. The stress was actually beneficial as it forced me to find answers to my predicaments. I don't mean to go on and on. You asked about books, and I give you my life story! I am the opposite now of what I once was. I am outgoing, friendly to a fault, and anxious to help others in need. This particular book organizes things. Your thoughts, your perceptions, your rational self, and your irrational self. Sometimes I felt like I just wanted to run from myself...but you can't and being afraid of yourself is a terrible feeling. You can't get away from "You". Eventually I learned to accept myself, to learn to love myself, and find myself a worthwhile person. I grew and developed at an amazing speed once I started getting the help I needed. The second thing I would suggest, is getting yourself a notebook and making entries as to how you are each day and what you think about. Talking with God is always beneficial and I have many journals of prayers and just talking with God. The next book I'd read, would be "Games People Play", and any books you may find at the Library on your particular disease. Question things. Don't just accept a label and feel inferior. You are a perfect person, made in God's image and He thinks you are fine or He wouldn't have made you the way he did. Another book I might suggest is one I've had for years called, "The Healing Power of Your Mind". Very easy to read, and quite enlightening. Then I'd suggest books you run across in your travels that are instructive and all the information you can get on your particular illness are very beneficial. Philosophical books have always appealed to me...Such as Emerson and Thoreau. But they are not all that I've read. There are so many I can't recall them all, but I will put a list together if I get the time, that you might find helpful. When I first learned about my diagnosis, I was horrified. I didn't want to be "crazy". I thought everyone else was and I was fine. One of the first things to notice. I wasn't fine, I just had a different viewpoint than other folks. I thought others were confused and out of touch with themselves, when in actuality it was me. I hope this has been helpful. I will try to recall other books I have read. and I'll send along uplifting thoughts and the importance of dreams and goals and If it is helpful you can use anything I may send you to help the members of The Brainstormers.Group. Let me know if there are other ways to help. I am not ashamed of what I was. I've learned to respect myself, love myself, and to know that I am an important member of society with much to offer. I'll close for now, and look forward to hearing from you. ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** Bonnie "Daddy's Girl" Tyler |