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A place to get together and chat about mental illness or about whatever is on your mind. |
Hello there! Yes I can recommend some books...glad to oblige. The first book that gave me so much insight is an older book now, but I am sure it is still available. It is called: "I'm OK, You're OK." Another is: Games People Play". Later on, after I met my husband, he had books on the Taoist Religion. It's all about discipline and gaining self-worth and valuing one's existence as well as every individual on earth. The book is "365 Tao". It is a philosophy rather than a religion. It is calming, interesting, and gives one great insight. I found this to be the key element to getting things under control. Gaining insight into ones "self" is the key to wellness. I have always enjoyed Meditation. At one point I was reading about Transcendental Meditation, and found it highly insightful and helpful. A lot of books are obvious. They jump out at you when you are searching for help. I have also the added benefit of grounding myself by reading the Bible. I found Christ at the young age of 12, and believe wholeheartedly that that has been a major factor in me getting well. Prayer is a highly undervalued key to success in this world. That was my mainstay. I will look around for more books to share with all of you. Another thing I enjoyed was reading the Daily Word which anyone can get for free. A book I read many years ago that was also a delight to read is called "In The Twinnkling Of An Eye", and I also enjoyed reading the Works of Emerson, and Thoreau, and I also write poetry and prayers as a tension breaker. I like talking to God, and I write them down so that when they are answered I can use them as a tool to help my children and others who may question whether or not there is a God. I am a very dedicated person, and am serving God by helping as many people as possible. The circle grows and grows as we reach out to one another. I hope these few things are helpful. I am delighted to be of help and so glad you came back and resumed the fight. We are all in this together. Helping one another makes us strong and in being strong, we find it is easy to be calm because we are not intimidated by much of anything!! Take Care and let me know if you find this helpful. Regards, Bonnie ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** Bonnie "Daddy's Girl" Tyler |