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(This message was edited by dchabino on 12-17-01 @ 10:41 pm EST) Mr. Jimbo, Now I ain't lookin' to take no issue with Bubba, Bubba, Bubba, and Bubba. It's you I got de problem wit. Now first, you try an talk down to me wit all dat Harvard sissy boy talk. Wut is dat anyway, Chinese or sompin? Den, you go have de wherwital to tell me I shuda name by boy sumpin else, like Ralph. Dat ain't no name, dat's whut I done after I ate yo cheese. Speakin' of which, dat cheese gave me gas. I'm a thinkin' I'm a gonna bill you fo utility service. I ain't got an outhouse no mo. Sue wuz playin' wit matches out der, and dun blowed de whole place up. I tink you otta put a warnin' on yo labels, sumpin from the surgin genral, ya know. Now, bout that cheese. First, it done plug up my dog. Dat dog won't even hunt no mo causin he cain't even make a pile. He jest sit der lookin' funny. And, dis cheese is not de cheese I ordered. I ordered dat peeekan cheese loaf. I wuz disappointed to know my cheese was sompin difrent. De other day, when yo cheese arrived at de post office, I went down der to git it, and ole Tim Witlack wuz getting a package as well. Well, ole Tim don?t talk so good. He ain?t quite as skooled as me. Anyways, I noticed he got one of yo cheese packages, too. I thot at de time it was coincidence or sompin. Well, when I went out de post office to get on my bicilcle, ole Jim come a runnin' out de doe, sayin' "Hey, Geoerge! Stop! Dat's nacho cheese!" He try an stop me, which wuz pretty nice of him now dat I know. Wut you think I am, anyway? Some kind a Mexican? Ole Tim even sent out de Po-lice, said I tride to still his cheese. Said he meant to say, "Dat's not cho cheese." But, I knowed he wuz jest tryin' to make me feel betta. You ever try an eat nacho cheese with peekans? I thot de gas wuz bad, but dem peekans on de nachos taste real funny. An, dat's all i gotta say. Jest send me my cheeze log, an leave out de peekans dis time. I had all dem I can stand. |