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A letter from home for Christmas for soldiers who can't be here. CONTEST - NO ENTRY FEE |
I do not know how to make this as a contest entry so I am going to send my Letter From Home for Christmas #1906091 at the bottom of this. YOU have MY PERMISSION to do with this as you please. Whether it be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, etc, it doesn't matter as long as THIS MAKES it to OUR MILITARY so they know THEY are THOUGHT ABOUT from ME & MY FMAILY!!! I HOPE that is TOUCHES HEARTS and that EVERYONE keeps our MILITARY MEN & WOMEN in THIER PRAYERS!!! LETTER FROM HOME FOR CHRISTMAS This is a letter from here where I call my home, I am sending it to you PRAYING that it helps you know you aren't alone. I know that some of you are so very far away and your loved ones really don't know how long you will be away. My family and I only wish the BEST for OUR SOLDIERS including YOU. MAY GOD watch over EACH AND EVERYTHING YOU DO. ALthough you are so very far away, WE keep you in our PRAYERS every night and day. I was LIVING on and driving this same highway in Southeast Texas a long time ago One day I saw a sign along the railroad tracks that read "Jesus' Grocery Store" As I got a little closer, the door opened wide And when I came to myself, I was standing on the inside I saw a host of angels, they were standing every where One handed me a basket and said "My child, shop with care" Everything a Christian needed was in that Grocery Store And all you couldn't carry you could come back the next day for more First I got some PATIENCE and LOVE that was in the same row Further down was UNDERSTANDING, you need that everywhere you go I got a box or two of WISDOM, a bag of FAITH I couldn't miss that HOLY GHOST for it was all over the place I went to get some STRENGHTH and COURAGE to help me run this race My basket was getting full but I remembered I needed some GRACE I didn't forget SALVATION, for salvation that was free SO I tried to get enough to save both YOU and ME As I went up the aisle I saw PRAYER and I just had to put that in FOr I knew when I stepped outside, I would run right into sin PEACE and JOY were plentiful, they were on the last shelf SONG and PRAISE were hanging near, so I helped myslef Then, I said to the Angel, "Now how much do I owe?" They just smiled and said , "Just take them everywhere that you ever go." Again I smiled at him and said, "Really, how much do I owe?" They then SMILED at me SINCERELY and said: "JESUS PAID YOUR BILL A LONG TIME AGO" If I could, I would WRAP all this up in a big box and send it OVERSEAS so that OUR MILITARY over there know what THEY mean to me. My body was born to this earth only 38 years ago. Yet, my soul is much older than most will ever know. When I was younger I did things that I should not do. Cannot I say the same things about YOU?? I have lied, YES, I can admit. I am wiser now so I have no guilt. I also had been known to steal if I wanted something for mine. Yet, the consequences hurt when I could not sit on my behind. I have put no other god above my HEAVENLY FATHER. I have always tried to be the best daughter. I have no graven images or try not to take his name in vain. That is oh so hard in our present time and day. I cannot say that I go to church to keep the Sabbath day holy. I hold my church with my BIBLE and family with me. I have honored my mother and father as was asked to be done. Not only by my words and actions but by the birth of their granddaughter and grandson. One that I always have followed and forever will, Began with the two words THOU SHALL and ended with NOT KILL. It is hard being a married person and be a perfect being. But committing adultery is something that I have never considered doing. I shall not bear false witness against my neighbor. For one day, I might need the friendship or help of him or her. And finally, I do not covet anything that anyone owns. MY HUSBAND, GOD and my CHILDREN are MY HEART ad where I make my home. As long as I know I am a CHILD OF GOD and that JESUS gave HIS life for ME, I know I will be saved of all my sins and that I have a place in HEAVEN for eternity. Don't let your steps falter when times get tough. Don't let your smile change to a frown. YOU are so very special and are very much loved. I am always here to lift you up when you are down. So when you feel as if you have lost your way, And that you cannot tell the beginning from the end, I AM ALWAYS HERE FOR YOU NIGHT AND DAY, JUST SAY MY NAME IN YOUR PRAYERS, MY FRIEND love JESUS We all were given responsibilities when we were young. Not thinking, but our journeys had only just begun. Some grew up to be policemen or doctors. As others chose to drive big tanks, and fly helicopters. You joined a part of our countries military. Not knowing where you would go or what burdens you would carry. Now you are so far away that we cannot sometimes speak to nor touch. I am just wanting to say you ALL are MISSED and LOVED by EVERYBODY VERY, VERY, VERY MUCH!!!!!! This year MY FAMILY will be celebrating JESUS's birthday and that GOD PROTECTS YOU and KEEPS YOU SAFE. While others are out worrying what for others to buy, MY FAMILY and I will be sending OUR LOVE to OUR MILITARY across the OCEANS WIDE. If I could then I would give to ALL of YOU, the COURAGE, BRAVERY, WISDOM and HEART to see you through. If I could send out MY HEART to ALL that are away from home on this HOLIDAY, there would be a GREAT BIG BOX sent from Southeast Texas that would be heading your way. If I could wrap OUR LOVE up in a GREAT BIG BOW, then you would have it to carry it with you where ever you may go. If I could, I would send you all of the material items that I own, for they do me nothing knowing that you cannot be home. If I could BRING YOU ALL HOME at this SPECIAL TIME, I would for the LOVE OF GOD is in this HEART of MINE. If I could give to others that are in need, I would give up everything I have, for I have no greed. If there was a way that I could bring you HOME tomorrow, I know that I would be putting an end to alot of sorrow. I only wish that I could do half of what my heart tells me I should do. For if I could, then I would be DOING this and MORE just for YOU. This is just a small part of what can be done to show my APPRECIATION for YOU and all YOU have done. YOU ALL are HELPING CREATE a BETTER WORLD for OUR DAUGHTERS and SONS. Some of you are someone's sons, while others are someone's daughters. Some of you are mother's, while others are someone's father's. YOU were born with a purpose and a reason behind everything you choose to do. That is why I am writing this poem in HONOR OF ALL OF YOU. I cannot say it would be easy for anyone to leave their family and home and fight for other people who, politically correct, are not our own. YET, all of you have done so and still do so to this day. MAY GOD BLESS EACH OF YOU WHILE YOU ARE SO FAR AWAY. There are not enough people in our world who will do what you have done. To want to make this world a better place for everyone. So while you are fighting for what we all believe. YOU are always in our HEARTS and PRAYERSand are always though of by ME. MERRY CHRISTMAS across the miles from OUR family to YOU. And may everyone realize how special you are in all that you do. Though by blood in our veins we are not true FAMILY, This makes no difference to MY FAMILY nor to ME. YOU are some of the most caring and sweetest people we have ever known. And WE appreciate and acknowledge all of the LOVE and KINDNESS that you have shown. This is just a little something that I can do. And that's to send this: XOXOXOXO (hugs & kisses) & MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM MY FAMILY TO ALL OF YOU!!!!! |