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Nov 13, 2012 at 8:20pm
Anyone else had this or something like it happen?
by Past Member 'richardhead'

My sister and I have always been Spiritual. From our earliest shared memories we knew and discussed our thoughts about
how there were forces at work with purpose behind and around what drew our attention. We felt the presence of God's Spirit long before we had the vocabulary, the traditional religious clishes or had been introduced into the seperation caused by the false doctrines memorized by congregations as a condition enforced for membership making each church seperate from the Body of Jesus, the churches creed or core belief, is from man, not God, making the church a cult and them choosing the traditions of man over a Living Word, Jesus, which is come. This is the great apostacy only backwards and reversed from what man has been preaching as God's World all these centuries! A falling away isn't people leaving church buildings and the Laocidonian milk being served there by ministers of righteousness (self-righteousness) who unwittingly have assumed the exact behavior of the Pharisee, Jesus warned of when he spoke," Beware of the leavening of the Pharisee!"
Jesus said," My sheep will hear the voice of their shepard and the voice of no other"! Many Pastors preach the letter, which has not the Spirit. This is what has been denied the modern body of believers. This is the only unforgivable sin, blasphemy of Jesus's Spirit, which is our Spirit also and intercessor. These are not my Words. These are from God, for it is written.
It is the appointed time for some to walk in His promises, covenants and receive the inheiritance that always has been His will, His plan and Divine design. For those who can bear it and that I dare to speak God's Word with you, here, in confidance, not arrogance, His Rest has been available since He was finished with His work after seven days. Where do you think Enock went? It's in your Bible, I recommend more people try reading it but please, stablish the proof of your faith by asking the Hol;y Spirit, Christ's gift to His chosen, to aid you in the deeper meanings waiting for you, travailing as a women giving birth and now the baby is being born. By this Holy work being demonstrated by you, Reading God's Word, which is Messiah, accepting Christs Holy Spirit into you, which represents the works of Faith, James emphasized, This is the Baptism of fire, John announced was what his water baptism was but a type and shadow of a better covenant coming. Many have mouthed Jesus's name but their works contradicted their voices as they could not receive what Messiah died and then lived for: our salvation. He said also He came not to judge but to offer life, to save, and then said by your unbelief, you are condemned already!
He was murdered once for our salvation to His Father, by not receiving what was offered freely, not only have you taken advantage of What God purposed Him for, which was to be nigh you and teach us the ways, the language and transform all He chooses into a new man, perfected by faith as Abrahams, believing in Him who He sent. This faith, paid for with His blood. a better, a spiritual truth, than the Jewish/Levitt Kinship by blood and families. Our faith, that He is AND is a rewarder to those who diligently seek him., is confirmed by Him releasing a faith that is unecessary as He cleanses us with His perfection and righteousness, our faith leaves and at that same time we are filled with our now, brother's purity, for it is written, when you see Him, you will see Him as He really is.
This is God's will being done on Earth as it is in heaven. This is His bride dressed and washed, sanctified, purified and glorified. This also is what so many preachers, scholors, etc haven't preached because this understanding comes by revelation and that is given to whom the Revelator chooses for His purposes. This event has been wrongly preached and called, the second coming. This is a wedding, a celebration. It also is a new covenant and a new resurrection. Christ crucified was the former rain. This is a double portion and is the ladder rain, replacing and a better covenant than the former as God's plans have been fulfilled from the beginning. Double resurrection is God's only begotten son transforming us or resurrecting us as God diid for His son, giving Spiritual everlasting life where there was death and giving us a home with Him as our Dad, our Father and Jesus our brother . This is a new creation and is a new wine poured into a new wine skin. Or as Paul said, the old man transforms into a new man and has Jesus put on immortality.
Where does the church say Christ is at this moment? Where is God? Holy Spirit? Everything I have shared here is in my Bible. Do Pastors, theologians read a different Bible or do they lean to there own understanding. Do they tear pages out they don't understand? I know what I have shown here is true, even if a picture of the process isn't perfect because my Bible tells me so. So, Every church that has incorporated the Rapture of the Church into their core doctrine has chosen the traditions of man over God's Word because not only is there a clear history of just who and how something as wrong as this concept, that has never been confirmed and only discovered in the mid to late 1800's. I could not find it in the Bible and the scripture Rapture believers use is ludicrous. The concept makes so many scriptures redundant, Ephesians 6, for one. I don't care what people believe because I'm not the author and finisher. I do what He tells me to do. Thus this.
How does one come to faith or find more of it? Faith cometh by hearing and hearing cometh by every Word from the mouth of God. The poison the sheep have been served by almost every pastor I have listened to is from man. I know there is a reason and I know what some o0f them are. But not for here in this epistle. The Pharisee knew the letter and had the look and mannerisms of righteousness. The demons recognized Christ, spoke His name. The Pharisee didn't recognize Him, their scripture when He spoke it or His works. They were under strong deluge for reasons. The Bible speaks of a time where there is a drought for the Word.
That time is now and of course there have been other.times of drought also but this one is now. If traditional, evangelical churchs aren't preaching God's Word but what they think is from God, then they are ministers of righteousness Paul speaks of when the liar transforms himself into an angel of light. Appearances just like 2000 years ago. What looked Holy was the opposite. Christ said no way will you enter the kingdom, lest your righteousness exceeds that of the Pharisee.
I am a remnant. I'm not the only one. I am and have been so far outside the camp as to be invisiable, non existant and no threat to position rich but Word poor pastors. Their poisoned word is pushing people out because trhjere is no life or light in it. It isn't a living and it's not a dead Word, it's poison but it is doing what the Pharisitical Priesthood did when Jesus walked with man. When a person has suffered under a falseness in the Words, actions and behaviors of Churchiosity with religiousity, they become Spiritually anesthetized for there own protection. A dead Word puts people to sleep. That's why guys like Hagee preach using oratory skills which emphasize or accent by sound, power, a false sincereity or the importance that this just came from God directly to him and him alone.
God's remnants have been placed where when the appointed arrives, they will be most effective because like the prophets before they are keepers of His Word. When God's people hear the Word of God from the mouths of the remnants it will be like when Jesus met the lady at the well. His Word has power, substance and life. It also is the voice of prophecy. It is a creative Word and does not return void. He speaks things that aren't into existence.
So about 10 years ago, for no reason but it was no accident. I know a reason now. My sister and I had all the time we felt like without jobs or any distractions to intrude. We studied together for seven years. We were quickened, shown, led to scripture we could not possible found and correlated it without the Holy Spirit leading. We were being changed by the Word itself with us not doing anything like traditional christians are taught they must. The Spirit isn't man and has a better way than people with will power, guilt from the church, the threat churches use of satins power and what they believe sin is.
My sister and I shared many events that other people in the Bible had similar experiences. Paul went ro a third heaven, Philip met the Eunock, baptised him and was taken away. Christ at the Transfiguration. Honest Thomas placing his hands on Jesus's injuries from the cross.

Here's one for you of many and then I must stop. I've said what I was told to say. I've never put this event to paper before. People who read it don't have to believe it because truth exists, with or without us and is not dependant on us to believe or disbelieve as to it's existence.
We were taken up to the plains betwee the two mountains one is meggeda. It is the place guys like Haggee believe is where Armaggeden will be. His interpretation of revelation is comic. We are in four desert tents, open in the middle with four open to the inside with sides ro each other and small openings looking across the wide flat plan with the mountain visible through a ligjht atmospheric dust, light smog but it was sunny and shady inside. These are who we joined. Ezekial was in the first square, back to me making, breathing life into white horses that could climb city walls, fortresses. Next to him making brown, beautiful horses was God. The was His son, Jesus and he was making black horses and was limping. Melchezidec was the fourth and he was constantly paceing the tent but contemplative. Sandy and I had our backs to the tent and were across the tent staying out of their way but observing. We heard two younger but not children giggling to the right of us, mischeviously, like they were up to something. When I found out who they were I figured they weren't up to something because God had killed their two older brothers with strange fire for disobedience at the alter. They were AArons two oldest being trained for the Levitt Priesthood. You might say God fired them. As far as I could see which was a long way there were three continuous lines of each color horse to the mountains which my low guess would be 20 miles. Probabaly 50.
God walked over to our table on his way to check on Aaron's kids and Sandy said to God, " If you need us for anything we are willing to do your will. He grinned and said He wouldn't hesitate but assured my sister that He had everything under control and thanked us. Walking toward where the Levitts were he put two invitations on our table and said he wasn't sure of the dates yet but invited us to come to His Son's wedding. The strangest thing we talked about later was how peaceful, friendly, no fear, no pretense and a feeling that we belonged there and were welcome. Most people, myself included, wonder who can stand in the presense of the Lord? The answer is those willing to do his will. Sounds simple doesn't it? You can't know what his will is unless you know Him. So read 1 John 1:5 In the beginning was the Word.............When anyone untangles the deeper meaning there, it opens previously locked doors bringing revelation as to God's ways. Sandy and I were blessed by things, events, just a bunch of experiences that were part of what are teaching was. That seven years was mans time. We were taken out of time to spiritual time, I lost count. When one is quickened or in a quickening your focus is not of this world. The clock did both. I could look and a minute had gone by, Later, I thought a minute had gone by but 24 hours had and it was the next day.
I don't have the same faith or hope I once sought to have and know. Part is knowing we were and are being worked on and also not wanting, expecting, desireing any of the things I used to focus on and think was important. I don't have the same perception I once did. I am so far removed from who and what I was and was known as that friends I havent seen for awhile can't believe how drastic the change but I don't see it because it is like a tree growing. You can't see it but go away and come in ten years, there it is. The cool thing is my friends that like me when we were geographically closer actually like the new me better. I know why. It is good.
If whoever reads this epistle has any questions. One thing more. If this writing makes you angry, I know why and I want you to know why also. The answer if it's honest will set you free. Him who He sets free is free indeed. Aloha, Marlin Spike http://www,writers.com/authors/richardhead/
Anyone else had this or something like it happen? · 11-13-12 8:20pm
by Past Member 'richardhead'

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