Hey Tanisha!
It's so great to hear from you

! Yeah, it has been a while, and really I haven't been on writing.com much since then. (As you can see since I'm replying 4 days after you posted here

Sorry about that.) I guess I've had a lot going on in my personal life, trying to finalize a nasty divorce for one. Mostly, I've been knee deep in my novel. It's taken a while to get it going--kind of got caught up in the planning stage, but it's rolling along now. I don't have any plans to post it here on site. When my first draft is complete, I will write a second, third, and how ever many drafts I need to do before I pass it along to a group of readers for feedback. Then after probably more drafts are finished and polished as best I can polish them, I'll send my manuscript off in search of a kind and generous agent who I hope is
just sitting around waiting for my manuscript to shuffle around to eager and willing publishers.

Well, it can't hurt to dream, or for that matter . . . try, right!!
I've missed working on short stories. They just don't take so long to finish and make me feel like I've accomplished something. lol
So, how about you? How've you been? What things have you been working on? I hope you've been writing lots!

I'll have to stop by your port soon!
Well, thanks for dropping in and saying hi, my friend!
Take care~