Social forum to offer support and information to at-risk youth & peers seeking information |
Dearest AJ, Thank you so very much for your kind words and generous support. I can say without hyperbole that my heart leapt to see your praise. The part I played in this initiative was as best one that sought only to raise awareness, given the tragedies in September and October, and the significance of October itself to the LGBTQ community. I asked only that a select few consider passing along both their support and a message of awareness for so many lost in what can often be a dark place, filled with many doubts and even more questions. We are our own worst enemy, regardless of whatever emotional ammunition that we, or others, might have. To see such a beacon of hope become manifest - so soon following that initial plea for support - and to see it embraced by so many within our beloved community. There simply are no words sufficient, and so I feel I must settle for a heartfelt and loving expression of gratitude on behalf of all who, for any reason, feel unable to reach out... All the very best to you, always, and take care -- Andrew |