A warm welcome to our newbies; come meet new and not-so-new members of Writing.Com! |
Greetings! This is my official newbie post (although my account on here is far from being new…) I've been out of the writing scene for about two years now, and updating my little nook here on writing.com seems like the perfect way to acclimate myself back into the world of writing. So without further ado: I'm Dotty, and I'm thrilled to be here : ) I started writing poetry when I was a kid, which evolved into writing music, turned into writing fanfiction, then I finally broke out into writing my own original short stories. About ten years ago I started thinking about writing a fantasy novel, and I've been poking at the idea off and on for those ten years. I'm finally focused enough to where I want to start in on that project, however because of the length in which I've neglected my writing, I'm afraid I'm a bit rusty, and I'm struggling a bit to get back into it. Which is exactly why I'm here. I posted some of my older stories, ones that I feel best represent the style of writing I wish to pursue, and I'm really looking for some solid constructive reviews on my style and approach, so I can gauge the direction I want to point myself in. Some of my stories sound like a late teen wrote them (or perhaps I simply feel that way because I was a late teen when I wrote them), and I'm trying to bridge the gap between my writing as a teenager and my writing as an adult, so I felt that my best resource would be here. I'm really excited to be here, and to start networking with all the amazing writers I've been seeing on here! |