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I know You Are There. I am not informed with as much information as I need to even write about the subject of Alzheimers. I know it is debilitating and can stretch on for many years, leaving a family member exhausted with constant care. My brother-in-law discovered he was a victim of Alzheimer’s a year or so ago. There came a time, when my sister-in-law retired to care for him. And now her days consist of meeting his needs and conversations that aren't always logical. We visited him Sunday before returning home from Mississippi. He had not known me the day before but we found him on the front porch enjoying the afternoon. Harvey and I go back almost 50 years in our relationship as in-laws. I love him and he loves me like a sister. In fact, it was Harvey who took me to the hospital when I went into labor - at least with two of my children. Frankly, I didn't see the need to rush so, but he shoved the pedal to the metal and I felt the effects of every pothole. My mother-in-law went with me on each occasion offering comfort in my time of pain. It was Harvey who took my second child and treated her like his own. Sandy learned to look forward to Uncle Harvey and Aunt Sue. for they dressed her in the finest and treated her with her favorite foods. Wonderful memories are evoked when I remember him in his days of living life. My husband went inside to visit with his sister. "Doris" Harvey called me by name! "You can come sit beside me in this chair" he said as he patted the lawn chair beside him. I wanted to talk with him anyway, so I made my way to the vacant chair.. He stared at everything in front of him, his eyes not focused on anything in particular. "How's the kids?" he asked in a lucid moment. "They are all great Harvey". "Good" "How is your Mama?" "She died in 1999." "She did? I didn't know that. That's bad." "You remember my dad don't you. He will be 102 in October this year. He has a beautiful mind still, and even though his eyesight is poor, he carries on a conversation when anyone takes time to sit and talk with him." "Wow, I hadn't thought of him in a long time." I just had to ask about his relationship with God. Harvey had never been one to talk about the Lord except in fowl language. He was not affiliated with any church that I was aware of. Harvey loved to drink, and even though it never made him mean to drink a lot, My mother-in-law along with my husband and I, prayed for him to find Jesus. I felt as though I could not go home until I took advantage of this quiet moment on the porch of their home. "Harvey, I have to know. Have you made things right with God? Have you repented of your sins, and received Jesus into your heart?" He looked at me with a blank stare and answered. "We are alright. He is my buddy." "So that means you are saved from your sins," I enquired. I could tell he was in no mood for anything deep and personal but he insisted again, "He is my buddy," shaking his head up and down to affirm his answer. I accepted that for the conversation, as far as he was concerned, was over. "How is the kids?" he asked again. "They are fine," I answered affirmatively. "That's good", he said. We sat quietly for a few minutes when it began raining. We watched as the rain come pouring from the drain spout and make a puddle on the ground a yard away. We did not think about going in to join my husband and his sister. He was comfortable and made no effort to move inside, so I said nothing. "How is your Mom and Dad?" Not remembering this was the second time he had asked, I patiently said, "Oh they are fine." So went the conversation for about 30 minutes. We talked about his truck, how I got a dent on my car, and the fact he didn't drive anymore. He never mentioned his children and neither did I. I had seen his daughter that morning and I knew she was fine. Alzheimer’s is "the usually progressive deterioration of intellectual functions such as memory that can occur while other brain functions such as those controlling movement and the senses are retained/" Another piece of information was this: "a form of brain disorder marked by progressive and irreversible mental deterioration, memory loss, and disorientation, known to affect some people in later life." With any definition, or information one can find, it is what it is. Doctors have found some medicines, that help them, but the disease is progressive and eventually the mind of the victim (Patient) has already left this world. I'd like to think the mind is entertaining Christ and Angles. No one says that. I'd love for someone to agree with me. I've written about another friend who eventually died from the disease. I chose to remember her in her glory days when I played the piano at her house. It was she that gave me the desire to learn the big key-board and sing with the melody I played. I truly hope Harvey has (in a lucid moment) talked with the Lord. I truly do. It is important to me that his soul be ready to enjoy the likes of Heaven and all that God has prepared for those who love Him. Doris |