Write a story only using words that begin with one letter! |
Thank you to all who entered, and congratulations to the winners! 1st Place Nani - Blessed Indeed Penny put Paul’s peanuts in petit fors. Penny placed puffy petite petunias in petal pink palettes atop. Paul preferred parfaits, but praised Penny’s pretty perfect pastries. Paul pinched a portion of petit for. "Precious!" Paul piped. Preparing pecan pies in pyrex pans posted Penney’s preposterous predicament, previously. Precariously perched in position Paul pondered,” Photographs?” Proudly Penny posed pertly, pampered by Paul’s praise. 2nd Place Pan Tom took a tack from the table, touching it to his thumb before thrusting it into the tattered tableau of him and Tanya. “Time,” he tittered, his tone trenchant as he traced the tempestuous twists and turns of their torsos with the tip of the tack. Tanya, a threadbare transcription of his Tanya, turned away, her tired eyes teaming with tears. “Time.” 3rd Place tiffgirl Favorably, fifty-five fabulous fuchsia flowers flourished for Fannie Freeman on Friday, February fifteenth. ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** |