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48 hours to write a short story to a prompt. Enter to win great prizes. |
She could hear the beginning of Sasha's intoxicated giggling from the front room. She shook her head and smiled knowingly while she rummaged through the desk drawers. She quickly whispered lyrics to the music that drifted muted into the office. “Knock knock.” came a voice from the doorway. Emma spun around in shock and dropped the files she held after letting out a sharp shriek. She froze, embarrassed by the papers that had scattered over the carpeted floor. “Sorry.” she mumbled when Evan raised his eyebrows in an amused response. She bent over and began to pick up the dropped papers, he moved to help. “No, no.” she protested, “It's no big deal. I don't even know why you scared me.” “What are you looking for?” he asked curiously. She eyed him suspiciously, thinking herself pathetic for feeling like a criminal in her own home than averted her gaze and focus back to the files on the floor. “Well, as you know, Sasha and I have been friends for a long time...” she confided. “Very.” he nodded, prompting her to continue. “Before you were even in New Hampshire we both knew Tommy.” “Oh—I've heard of him. Like Tommy, Tommy?” “Right. I'd think you would have, I mean, he did pledge his undying love to her and get her to cancel her wedding before running off to Alaska and marring some tundra wookie.” Evan laughed, “Ultimately breaking her heart.” “Exactly.” she agreed, “Now what she isn't aware of, is the letters.” “Letters?” he inquired. Emma scrounged all the papers off the floor and fanned them obnoxiously in his face. “Yes, letters. Plural even. Multitudes! Tommy got in contact with me about a year after his marriage.” Evan's eyes widened. “I know, right?” she exclaimed while pointing to him in all seriousness, “Now at first I ignored them.” “Of course.” “And the he wouldn't stop, so I went off on him and sent him a very mean letter back. It was harsh, I promise. Evan laughed, “You harsh? I don't believe it.” “I can be harsh. I can be mean, especially for a friend, I mean, that's what we're here for right? To, like, send mean letters to people who deserve it.” He shrugged, “Uh-huh.” “But he wouldn't quit. He kept on about how sorry he was and and how he had never meant to hurt anyone. Blah blah blah. You followin'?” “Yeah.” “Well, I figured if I said I forgave him and all that he'd leave me alone.” “But he didn't.” “But he didn't,” she repeated regretfully. “So here in my hands are five years worth of correspondence.” Evan sighed, “Well, obviously you can't tell Sasha, but I don't see the big deal.” Emma adverted eye contact. “Emma, what did you do?” “Well...” she began, “I may have invited him to the barbecue tonight. “May have?” “Like, did.” “But he's in Alaska, right?” he pressed. “Yeeeah—but no. Lucky us, he's in town on business.” she said casually. Evan grimaced, “What are you gonna do?” She straightened up seriously and spoke in a co-conspirator tone, “I figured if I burned the letters then it will be like I never invited him.” she smiled eagerly. Evan banged his head against the wall in defeat. “You.” bang, “Can't” bang, “Be serious.” bang. “What?” she said with audible hurt tinging her voice, “You don't like it? What if I cut them up into little pieces with scissors first?” “You have to tell her now.” he said simply. “Tell who?” “Sasha.” “No way!” “He can't just show up and surprise her unannounced.” She nodded, “Probably right, too bad he will!” she jumped up and headed out the door with the letters. “Where are you going?” he yelled after her getting up to follow. “I'm off to burn them of course!” Evan followed her down the hall, “Emma, burning them isn't going to do anything!” She whipped around and walked backwards with her arms full of papers, “Oh, but it will! Besides, the scissors will help!” she smiled and headed into the living room. “You're going to start a fire in your fire place?” he said finding it hard to believe whiles taring at the clean brick. She came to a sudden halt, papers falling from her arms, “You're right! To the grill!” she exclaimed as she stalked off to the back porch. Evan hurried after her protesting loudly. “Can't change my mind, Evan.” she stated taking the cover off the grill and dumping them in. “I thought you were going to cut them?” “Oh!” “You're delirious, you know that right? Wasting your time.” he said sitting in a chair. “Will you be a dear and get them for me?” “You've got two hours before people start showing and you're worried about scissors?” “They're an important part.” she scoffed, “Where's Sasha?” she mentioned on a side note. “I thought... she was out here, when I left her...” Emma froze, “I didn't drop any.. did I?” Evan laughed, “You dropped a lot. Including your mind.” As if on cue Sasha emerged from the sliding glass door reading aloud from the papers in her hand, “I didn't want to hurt her, you know that, Emma. I cared for her, care, even, deeply. I just realized it wasn't to be. Sasha and I? We didn't match. Our dreams were...” Sasha bit her lip before continuing, “Different.” she looked up from her reading her eyes shining with tears, “Emma, please lie to me, please don't tell me this is from who I think it is.” “I already did lie to you, a lie of omission.” Emma sighed. “And?” Evan prompted quietly. “And--” Emma glared at him, “He's coming. Here. Tonight.” Sasha's eyes widened, “No!” she said hoarsely, “Why?” “I might have invited him in the letters.” she whispered. “Did.” corrected Evan her from his chair. “What if...” Sasha mused, “What if we cut them into little pieces? And then burned them?” “That's what I said!” Emma squealed as Evan fell out of his chair laughing. “It'll be like it never happened.” Sasha said in her defense. “You two really have been friends for too long.” Evan mumbled from the floor while getting back up. “Not long enough.” replied Emma as she hurried back into the kitchen. “Where are you going?!” Evan called after her. “Scissors! Duh!” Sasha snickered from the chair she had moved to. Evan gave her a questioning glance, “You seem calm.” She smiled, “Have to look cheery for the man who ditched me for a tundra wookie.” “Too strong for your own good, Sash.” “Someone's gotta take care of Emma.” “I can do that.” he murmured wistfully staring off into the yard. “I'm sure you could, if you, you know,” she nudged him playfully. Emma returned from the kitchen, looking dishelved, “Couldn't find any scissors.” she muttered. “I'm sure burning will take care of it.” Sasha reassured her as she took a lighter and lite the ones that she held. After dropping the letters into the pile within the grill she turned her back on them and closed her eyes taking in a deep breath. Emma stared into the flames as Sasha moved to leave. “Where you going, Sash?” Evan inquired. “Kitchen. Someone's gotta start cooking. Look at the time!” Emma looked at Evan, he shrugged as they headed in after her. ------------------------------- Evan was working the grill and Sasha was pulling chairs onto the deck. Emma was cross legged on the floor husking corn when the doorbell rang. “Gonna get that, Emma?” Evan suggested when no one made a move from their tasks. “Probably.” she chirped. “Soon might be good.” Sasha emphasized. “Okay.” Emma twitted skipping to the front door. “Sure you can handle that?” Sasha giggled. “I had it way under control.” he muttered. “Yeah, right.” she laughed. Emma reappeared on the deck smiling brightly while carrying a five pack with Chris holding the missing beer and Landi in tow. “I'm surprised you didn't leave.” Evan grinned. Chris chuckled, “Nearly did, my friend, but Landi heard the music and wouldn't quit off on the doorbell.” “Come on, everyone knows with Emma you have to persist, nag and prod.” Landi commented poking her in the back. “No way. I'm, like, you know, no.” she babbled. Evan took the corn from Emma as she and Landi snickered with Sasha on the other side of the deck. “Wha's good?” Chris asked. “Oh, the usual. How've you and Landi been?” “Premo, supreme, you know, good stuff.” Evan nodded. “How's your relationship?” “What relationship?” “Exactly, bro.” Chris noted. “The position is open. Wide open.” “Serious, man? What about, you know..” Chris nudged him with his hand that was without a beer. “Why's everyone nudging me tonight?” Evan questioned defensively, “I'll get to it.” “Bro, you've been sayin' that same line for two years now. Count that shit, bro. Count it. Yeah, it's two.” The doorbell rang Evan looked back at Emma, she didn't appear as if she had noticed, “Hold onta this will ya', bro?” he emphasized the last word and shoved a metal spatula in Chris's empty hand. “I got it.” he bellowed marching to the door. ------------------------------- Sasha sputtered on her beer, “He didn't really?” “No joke, Sash, Chris was frying hard, and all he could talk about were these purple chipmunks as he ran about the living room and something else about a farm. Apparently they were screaming, 'Jesus us, you're life!' I didn't really understand at the time, not that I do now, you see, but since then.... Well, he definitely believes in something.” “Firgures Chris would find religion through acid.” They both laughed together as Landi hooked her legs over another chair. “Jake, my man!” came Chris's voice from the other side of the yard, “Come join me and my ladies at the table.” he called as he squeezed by Sasha and roped his arm around Landi's neck. “Well hello there,” Jake slurred as he fell into a chair, “Now how would you two be doing?” “We're good, just relaying stories,” Sasha snickered. “About?” chimed Kira as she leaned over Sasha's shoulder. “My love and darling dearest.” sighed Landi. “Me? Which one?” “Chipmunk chasing.” Chris hung his head, “You didn't see 'em, Lan, it was serious stuff. They were some sketchy bros.” Sasha laughed, “I'm so sure. Killer Purple Beasts of Doom. I bet you cried.” “No man, I was 'pos to catch 'em. Like, you know.” he clasped his hands together, “Grab 'em and stuff.” “Why?” injected Kira. “Cause someone; you know, it doesn't madder.” Chris spewed as he looked away. “Aww, we love you Chris, you know that, hun. Sasha, and Kira are just messing.” she smiled guiltily and hugged him. “Uh-huh.” he mumbled through his beer bottle. “Doesn't madder. But what does is when in the flying hell is Evan proclaiming his intense amounts of looove for Emma?” “Never.” Kira quacked. “Probably about that time.” Sasha laughed. “I heard Tommy's coming. Truth?” interjected Chris suddenly. Landi slapped Chris on the arm, “Sorry, hun, he's not sensitive.” she apologized. “It's okay.” she finished off her beer and moved to get another, “He's kind of a no-show, you know? I mean, it's dark now.” she looked up at the sky while fishing for a drink out of the cooler. “Well now. Tommy never did have good timing, never did.” Jake reminded. “Yeah, I guess it shouldn't surprise me if he did come.” she returned to her seat. “You think he'll?” “I really just don't care anymore.” she confessed as she drank subtly quicker. ------------------------------- Emma was laying against Evan in the living room giggling, “You, like, know I freakin' love you right?” she divulged in pieces. “Yeah, Emma,” he chuckled, “I know.” “No, you really just, like, don't.” she slurred slowly. Evan humoured her and nodded, she couldn't see it, but she felt it. She played with his fingers, “Sometimes I, like, wonder why.” “Why what, Emma?” “Like, you know, whhhhy.” she stressed her faltering enunciation and shook his hand. “Emma, I don't get what you mean.” “Like, how to say this, you know, like, why aren't we, you know?” The doorbell rang. Emma slithered off him and started for the door. “Wait, what were you saying?” he shouted sitting up, “Why didn't you wait?” he groaned, “I don't, I don't get you, Emma.” he uttered to himself as she reached for the handle. “Tommy!” she cried, “It's so good to see you.” Evan followed after her, “Nice to meet you, I'm Evan” he mentioned quietly from behind her while sizing him up. “Hi, and uh, same to yah, Ethan..?” he laughed, “It's been a long time. Anyone else here I know, Em?” Evan didn't get the chance to correct him as Emma began to rattle off, “Chris and Landi, you'll remember them, like, of course. Tehy're together now, didja' know?” He shook his head, “Finally, congrats to them. Sometimes you just wonder why it takes some people so long to get together.” “I know, right? It was for like three weeks and we were all, like, come on. Really now?” Emma began to sway and Tommy rushed to stable her, “Drink much, Em?” She giggled, “I don't think so, and Kira, were you around for Kira?” “Where is everyone?” Tommy questioned Evan. “Out back.” he said bitterly while crossing his arms. “Thanks, uh-- Ethan.” he began softly directing Emma to the porch with physical cues. “Hey, Em, let's go see everyone. Does that sound good?” “Oh, kay. Yeah.” Evan followed closely behind. ------------------------------- “I don't even remember that, Lan.” Chris chuckled. “I didn't think you would have.” she laughed, “You know I could just fabricate some things and make new stories and no one would ever know the difference.” “That's almost sad.” Sasha grinned. “I know, right?” Emma chirped from the sliding glass doors, “Look, Tommy came.” “Hey, all.” Tommy grinned sheepishly from behind Emma as he steered her into a seat and stole one next to her. “Nice to see some of you again,” he nodded to Chris and Landi, smiled at Jake and glanced qickly at Sasha, “and meet the others.” “Kira.” she filled in. “Right, I'll remember that, Kira and Ethan, Ethan and Kira .” Emma giggled, “Evan, silly.” “Oh? Is it?” Evan nodded. “Well aren't I just making an ass of myself.” he admitted. “Not a bit more than usual. Not a bit.” Jake chuckled. “Can't say I disagree.” he grinned wider, “Now, sorry I'm late but--” “Traffic was hellish and there was a police car Following you the whole way here..” Sasha muttered into her beer. “Yeah.” he adverted eye contact, “Thanks, Sash.” “It's Sasha.” she snapped. “Sasha, I'll remember that.” “Tommy, bro, you wan' a beer?” Chris said over-enthused trying to stifle the ice. “That would be great, Chris. Good to see you and Landi still holdin' together.” “Yeah, some people do that.” Sasha scoffed. “It has been how many years, hun? Seven?” Chris handed Tommy his drink and sat back down, “Ya, seven killer years, babe. Maybe we should hear the church bells.” “What's stopping you two?” Tommy asked setting the beer cap on the table. “Not our thing, bro.” “Oh, I see. I guess I see what you mean, I, myself, would.” “Cause you didn't have you're chance.” Sasha angerly muttered. Tommy set him beer down, “Sash,” “Uh” she corrected icily, “Sash-uh, only my friends call me Sash.” “Okay, Sash-uh. I'm sorry, Okay? You want an explanation?” “Yeah, that would be nice really, Tommy. That would have been incredible five and a half years ago! It would have been really great then.” she stood up, “Emma, I had fun, I'm leaving now, kay? Call me tomorrow. Night everyone.” Emma faltered, confused in her drunken state, “Huh? Sasha, don't leave.” Tommy got up, “No. I'll leave, thank you. It was nice seeing you all. And meeting.” he added as he turned to leave. “Yeah, do it again!” she shouted after him, tears forming silently at the corner of her eyes. “Just leave, don't even tell me why. Just run.” she choked. “Sash, Sasha,” he turned and looked at her, “I couldn't face you.” his features melted, expression softening into sadness, “I realized something, and don't laugh, but, in Alaska, I realized, Sash, I'm gay.” Sasha's jaw feel open and continued to hang ajar, Emma was bug eyed and Jake had froze, the only one that didn't seem flabbergasted was Evan who smiled secretly to himself. Chris was the first to regain his composure, “Damn, bro, can anyone say twist? You ain't got ya'self no tundra wookie up there is Alaska, you got a real man!” Tommy chuckled to himself, “Yeah, seems so.” he smiled weakly. “I'm—I'm sorry, Tommy.” “It's okay Sash, Sasha.” He corrected himself, “Well, I'm going to go.” he headed for the door. “Tommy,” she began. “Yeah?” “It's Sash.” she looked at him and smiled. He grinned, “Later, Sash. Em, thanks for inviting me, Jake, good to see you, bud. Landi, be nice to Chris. Hopefully, I'll see you all again sometime soon. Nice to meet you, Kira, Ethan.” Sasha fell back into her seat with mixed feelings of shock and relief, the table was quiet. “It was nice seeing him.” Emma said several minutes later kicking her feet, “Good thing I couldn't find the scissors, huh, Sash?” [Word count: 2898] |